HPS 2021 SP2

Library compatibility information

Library name Version Windows Linux OS X Android iOS Notes
HOOPS Exchange 2021 SP2 supported supported supported supported supported Android simulator support is limited. See this explanation.
HOOPS Publish 2021 SP2 supported supported unsupported unsupported unsupported Requires SSSE3 instruction set support, Linux support is limited to C++
HOOPS Communicator Sprocket 2021 U1 supported unsupported unsupported supported supported  
.NET Framework 4.0 supported unsupported unsupported unsupported unsupported 4.5 required when using D3D_IMAGE_CANVAS
Parasolid 32.0.x supported supported supported unsupported supported For iOS platforms, support is limited to 64-bit platforms for the Parasolid Sprockets (hps_sprk_parasolid and hps_sprk_exchange_parasolid).
RealDWG 2019 supported unsupported unsupported unsupported unsupported RealDWG 2019 works with Visual Studio 2017 Update 2 and Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
Qt 5.12.7 supported supported supported unsupported unsupported  
SketchUp 2021 supported unsupported unsupported unsupported unsupported VS2019 Redistributable required, and only x64 Sketchup is supported


Apple Silicon support. Native support for Apple Silicon is being introduced in this release. Binary packages for Apple platforms now contain universal binaries that run natively on both Apple Silicon (ARM) and Intel-based (x64) Mac computers for your convenience. Minimum requirements for development on macOS raised to 10.14 and XCode 12. Refer to this link for more information on porting your macOS application to Apple Silicon: Apple Developer Documentation.

Better sample models. Improved the selection of sample models provided for Android ARCore sandbox.

Hardware-accelerated text. Hardware-accelerated text preserves highlight alignment fidelity and visual clarity of the font as you zoom in and out on text to improve appearance at any zoom level.

Functional changes

HOOPS Exchange. HOOPS Visualize now works with HOOPS Exchange 2021 SP2.

HOOPS Publish. HOOPS Visualize now works with HOOPS Publish 2021 SP2.

HOOPS Communicator. HOOPS Visualize now works with HOOPS Communicator 2021 SP2.

Windows compatibility. HOOPS Visualize on Windows 32-bit platforms is now considered deprecated and will be removed in the future. The minimum supported Windows OS is now Windows 10, 64-bit.

ARCore. HOOPS Visualize now works with ARCore v1.20. This version of ARCore is used in the Android AR Sandbox and adds support for the ARCore lighting API that can be used to automatically set up distant lights and add shadows, thereby improving overall appearance. Does not include support for light intensity or HDR.

Freetype. Upgraded Freetype 2.10.4 to address critical vulernabilities and exposures.

OpenGL1 removed. The OpenGL1 driver is no longer available. Developers may use OpenGL2 in normal contexts, or OpenGL2_Mesa, which is available starting in HPS 2020 SP1 and 3DF 26.00 when software-only rendering is preferred or required.

Known issues

Non-aligned highlights. Highlights will potentially be unaligned with geometry in cases where static model and two different geometry highlights are used, and the two highlights target geometries having different transforms. This issue is scheduled to be resolved in the next release.

Fixed bugs

Issue number Description
SDHV-10645 SetVertexParametersByList() fails when in_vertices param has many entries even though each entry is in range
SDHV-10642 wpf_sandbox crashes after hiding all the parts from the Model Browser
SDHV-10634 HC_Insert_PolyCylinder function issue in HOOPS 25.00(32 bit)
SDHV-10528 Geometry changes color/texture disappears when zooming in 3D view and static model turned on
SDHV-10244 Hardcopy Export Hidden Lines Showing
SDHV-10011 Views from CreatePRCCubes Sample do not all render properly
SDHV-9986 Selectability control
SDHV-5731 Slow rendering of PRC with many PMI
SDHV-5431 SelectByPoint returning incorrect results
SDHV-5106 large arc not properly transformed/oriented using RealDWG