
class ShaderUniform

The ShaderUniform class is a is a simple definition of a place to store general data available to shaders.

Public Functions

inline bool Equals(ShaderUniform const &in_that) const

This function is used to check an object for equivalence to this.

Parameters:in_that – The object to compare to this.
Returns:true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
inline bool operator!=(ShaderUniform const &in_that) const

This function is used to check an object for equivalence to this.

Parameters:in_that – The object to compare to this.
Returns:true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.
inline bool operator==(ShaderUniform const &in_that) const

This function is used to check an object for equivalence to this.

Parameters:in_that – The object to compare to this.
Returns:true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
inline ShaderUniform()
inline ShaderUniform(UTF8 const &in_name, UTF8 const &in_type, bool in_row_major = false, HPS::Shader::UniformPrecision in_precision = HPS::Shader::UniformPrecision::NoFlags)

Public Members

UTF8 name
Shader::UniformPrecision precision = {HPS::Shader::UniformPrecision::NoFlags}
bool row_major = {false}
UTF8 type