
class HPS::Cylinder

The Cylinder class is a concept class for cylinder-related enum classes.

Public Types

enum Capping

Enumerates the type of capping geometry to use for cylinders.


enumerator None

Neither cylinder end will be capped.

enumerator First

Only the first cylinder end will be capped.

enumerator Last

Only the second cylinder end will be capped.

enumerator Both

Both cylinder ends will be capped.

enum Component

Enumerates the cylinder components vertex colors can be applied to.


enumerator Faces

The vertex colors applied to faces.

enumerator Edges

The vertex colors applied to edges.

enum Orientation

Allows reversing of cylinder colors, radii, or both


enumerator Default

Cylinder Orientation.

enumerator DefaultRadii

Cylinder Orientation.

enumerator InvertRadii

Cylinder Orientation.

enumerator InvertRadiiOnly

Cylinder Orientation.

enumerator DefaultColors

Cylinder Orientation.

enumerator InvertColors

Cylinder Orientation.

enumerator InvertColorsOnly

Cylinder Orientation.

enumerator InvertAll

Cylinder Orientation.