
class PostProcessEffectsKit : public HPS::Kit

The HPS::PostProcessEffectsKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to post-process effects. Calling HPS::PostProcessEffectsKit::GetDefault() will return a kit with values found in this table.

Public Functions

virtual bool Empty() const

Indicates whether this object has any values set on it.

Returns:true if no values are set on this object, false otherwise.
bool Equals(PostProcessEffectsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source PostProcessEffectsKit is equivalent to this object.

Parameters:in_kit – The source PostProcessEffectsKit to compare to this object.
Returns:true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).

Returns:The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(PostProcessEffectsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source PostProcessEffectsKit is not equivalent to this object.

Parameters:in_kit – The source PostProcessEffectsKit to compare to this object.
Returns:true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.
PostProcessEffectsKit &operator=(PostProcessEffectsKit &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this PostProcessEffectsKit thereby avoiding a copy.

Parameters:in_that – An rvalue reference to a PostProcessEffectsKit to take the impl from.
Returns:A reference to this PostProcessEffectsKit.
PostProcessEffectsKit &operator=(PostProcessEffectsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source PostProcessEffectsKit into this object.

Parameters:in_kit – The source PostProcessEffectsKit to copy.
Returns:A reference to this object.
bool operator==(PostProcessEffectsKit const &in_kit) const

Check if the source PostProcessEffectsKit is equivalent to this object.

Parameters:in_kit – The source PostProcessEffectsKit to compare to this object.
Returns:true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

Initializes an empty kit.

PostProcessEffectsKit(PostProcessEffectsKit &&in_that)

The move constructor creates a PostProcessEffectsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this PostProcessEffectsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.

Parameters:in_that – An rvalue reference to a PostProcessEffectsKit to take the impl from.
PostProcessEffectsKit(PostProcessEffectsKit const &in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new PostProcessEffectsKit object that contains the same settings as the source object.

Parameters:in_kit – The source object to copy.
void Set(PostProcessEffectsKit const &in_kit)

Copies the source PostProcessEffectsKit into this object.

Parameters:in_kit – The source object to copy.
PostProcessEffectsKit &SetAmbientOcclusion(bool in_state, float in_strength = 1.0f, PostProcessEffects::AmbientOcclusion::Quality in_quality = PostProcessEffects::AmbientOcclusion::Quality::Fastest, float in_radius = 1.0f, float in_sharpness = 32.0f)

Ambient occlusion is a general term for shading that varies when nearby objects (occluders) would prevent some portion of ambient light from reaching a surface. This applies a filter that looks for small valleys in the depth buffer results, and slightly darkens these areas.


Ambient occlusion uses the depth buffer that is generated when we render opaque geometry to approximate ambient occlusion. Drawing of transparent geometry is always deferred until after all opaque geometry is drawn, and doesn’t write any depth information to the depth buffer. Thus, transparent geometry will effectively not exist for ambient occlusion calculations, and will therefore be unaffected by them. This also means that if all geometry in a scene is transparent, ambient occlusion is effectively disabled.

  • in_state – Whether ambient occlusion should be used.
  • in_strength – A multiplier on the default contribution of ambient occlusion in the regular lighting calculations. Higher values mean that ambient occlusion will make a stronger contribution.
  • in_quality – Indicates how much time should be spent improving the visual quality.
  • in_radius – A multiplier for the screen-space search radius.
  • in_sharpness – A value from 0.0f to 32.0f where lower values result in more blurred but softer edges and higher values will be blurred less with harder edges yet with more potential for banding. Higher values increase the search radius for occluding pixels, but may cause under-sampling artifacts.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetAmbientOcclusion(float in_strength, PostProcessEffects::AmbientOcclusion::Quality in_quality = PostProcessEffects::AmbientOcclusion::Quality::Fastest, float in_radius = 1.0f, float in_sharpness = 32.0f)

Ambient occlusion is a general term for shading that varies when nearby objects (occluders) would prevent some portion of ambient light from reaching a surface. This applies a filter that looks for small valleys in the depth buffer results, and slightly darkens these areas. The state is implicitly on.


Ambient occlusion uses the depth buffer that is generated when we render opaque geometry to approximate ambient occlusion. Drawing of transparent geometry is always deferred until after all opaque geometry is drawn, and doesn’t write any depth information to the depth buffer. Thus, transparent geometry will effectively not exist for ambient occlusion calculations, and will therefore be unaffected by them. This also means that if all geometry in a scene is transparent, ambient occlusion is effectively disabled.

  • in_strength – A multiplier on the default contribution of ambient occlusion in the regular lighting calculations. Higher values mean that ambient occlusion will make a stronger contribution.
  • in_quality – Indicates how much time should be spent improving the visual quality.
  • in_radius – A multiplier for the screen-space search radius.
  • in_sharpness – A value from 0.0f to 32.0f where lower values result in more blurred but softer edges and higher values will be blurred less with harder edges yet with more potential for banding. Higher values increase the search radius for occluding pixels, but may cause under-sampling artifacts.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetBloom(bool in_state, float in_strength = 1.0f, unsigned int in_blur = 5, PostProcessEffects::Bloom::Shape in_shape = PostProcessEffects::Bloom::Shape::Radial)

Bloom causes bright objects to bleed into darker ones, simulating the imperfect focus inevitable with the human eye or any other type of lens.

  • in_state – Whether bloom should be used.
  • in_strength – A multiplier on the default contribution of bloom. Higher values mean that bloom will make a stronger contribution. Valid range is [0,10].
  • in_blur – The number of blur passes to perform on the output. Higher values mean that bloom will affect a wider area and look smoother. Valid range is [1,8].
  • in_shape – The shape of the bloom effect.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetBloom(float in_strength, unsigned int in_blur, PostProcessEffects::Bloom::Shape in_shape)

Bloom causes bright objects to bleed into darker ones, simulating the imperfect focus inevitable with the human eye or any other type of lens. The state is implicitly on.

  • in_strength – A multiplier on the default contribution of bloom. Higher values mean that bloom will make a stronger contribution. Valid range is [0,10].
  • in_blur – The number of blur passes to perform on the output. Higher values mean that bloom will affect a wider area and look smoother. Valid range is [1,8].
  • in_shape – The shape of the bloom effect.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetDepthOfField(bool in_state, float in_strength = 1.0f, float in_near_distance = Float::NegativeInfinity, float in_far_distance = Float::Infinity)

Depth of Field is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear sharp.

  • in_state – Whether depth of field should be used.
  • in_strength – A multiplier on the default blur radius. Higher values mean more blurring.
  • in_near_distance – The camera distance in front of which geometry will begin to appear out of focus.
  • in_far_distance – The camera distance beyond which geometry will appear out of focus.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetDepthOfField(float in_strength, float in_near_distance, float in_far_distance)

Depth of Field is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear sharp. The state is implicitly on.

  • in_strength – A multiplier on the default blur radius. Higher values mean more blurring.
  • in_near_distance – The camera distance in front of which geometry will begin to appear out of focus.
  • in_far_distance – The camera distance beyond which geometry will appear out of focus.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetEyeDomeLighting(bool in_state, float in_exponent = 50.0f, float in_tolerance = 1.0f, float in_strength = 1.0f)

Controls the shader-based eye-dome lighting effect.

  • in_state – Whether eye-dome lighting should be used.
  • in_exponent – An exponent used to attenuate the per-pixel occlusion computed by the eye-dome lighting algorithm.
  • in_tolerance – A multiplier on the threshold that the driver uses when comparing adjacent pixel depth values to detect occlusion.
  • in_strength – A multiplier on the calculated per-pixel occlusion value. This allows the user to control the amount of occlusion added by neighboring pixels based on their relative depth difference.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetEyeDomeLighting(float in_exponent, bool in_tolerance, float in_strength)

Controls the shader-based eye-dome lighting effect. The state is implicitly on.

  • in_exponent – An exponent used to attenuate the per-pixel occlusion computed by the eye-dome lighting algorithm.
  • in_tolerance – A multiplier on the threshold that the driver uses when comparing adjacent pixel depth values to detect occlusion.
  • in_strength – A multiplier on the calculated per-pixel occlusion value. This allows the user to control the amount of occlusion added by neighboring pixels based on their relative depth difference.

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetSilhouetteEdges(bool in_state, float in_tolerance = 1.0f, bool in_heavy_exterior = false)

Controls the shader-based fast drawing of silhouette edges.

  • in_state – Whether silhouette edges should be used.
  • in_tolerance – A multiplier on the threshold that the driver uses when comparing adjacent pixel depth values to detect silhouettes. This allows the user to control the trade-off between silhouettes appearing where they shouldn’t, vs disappearing in places they should be.
  • in_heavy_exterior – This option, when enabled, causes an extra thick border to be drawn at the boundary between geometry and the window background (as opposed to geometry on top of other geometry).

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetSilhouetteEdges(float in_tolerance, bool in_heavy_exterior)

Controls the shader-based fast drawing of silhouette edges. The state is implicitly on.

  • in_tolerance – A multiplier on the threshold that the driver uses when comparing adjacent pixel depth values to detect silhouettes. This allows the user to control the trade-off between silhouettes appearing where they shouldn’t, vs disappearing in places they should be.
  • in_heavy_exterior – This option, when enabled, causes an extra thick border to be drawn at the boundary between geometry and the window background (as opposed to geometry on top of other geometry).

A reference to this object.

PostProcessEffectsKit &SetWorldScale(float in_scale)

Sets a world scale value used by post process effects such as ambient occlusion. If not set, scale is computed based on scene bounding. The world scale is a uniform factor used to express the world units using meters. With a world scale of 1.0, a vector of _(1, 0, 0)_ means that the vector is 1 meter long along the x-axis direction.

Parameters:in_scale – Scale value used by post process effect.
Returns:A reference to this object.
void Show(PostProcessEffectsKit &out_kit) const

Copies this object into the given PostProcessEffectsKit.

Parameters:out_kit – The PostProcessEffectsKit to populate with the contents of this object.
bool ShowAmbientOcclusion(bool &out_state, float &out_strength, PostProcessEffects::AmbientOcclusion::Quality &out_quality, float &out_radius, float &out_sharpness) const

Shows the ambient occlusion setting.

  • out_state – Whether ambient occlusion should be used.
  • out_strength – A multiplier on the default contribution of ambient occlusion in the regular lighting calculations. Higher values mean that ambient occlusion will make a stronger contribution.
  • out_quality – Indicates how much time should be spent improving the visual quality.
  • out_radius – A multiplier for the screen-space search radius.
  • out_sharpness – A value indicating the sharpness of the ambient occlusion edges. Higher values increase the search radius for occluding pixels, but may cause under-sampling artifacts.

true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowBloom(bool &out_state, float &out_strength, unsigned int &out_blur, PostProcessEffects::Bloom::Shape &out_shape) const

Shows the bloom setting.

  • out_state – Whether bloom should be used.
  • out_strength – A multiplier on the default contribution of bloom. Higher values mean that bloom will make a stronger contribution.
  • out_blur – The number of blur passes to perform on the output. Higher values mean that bloom will affect a wider area and look smoother.
  • out_shape – The shape of the bloom effect.

true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowDepthOfField(bool &out_state, float &out_strength, float &out_near_distance, float &out_far_distance) const

Shows the depth of field setting.

  • out_state – Whether depth of field should be used.
  • out_strength – A multiplier on the default blur radius. Higher values mean more blurring.
  • out_near_distance – The camera distance in front of which geometry will begin to appear out of focus.
  • out_far_distance – The camera distance beyond which geometry will appear out of focus.

true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowEyeDomeLighting(bool &out_state, float &out_exponent, float &out_tolerance, float &out_strength) const

Shows the eye-dome lighting setting.

  • out_state – Whether eye-dome lighting should be used.
  • out_exponent – An exponent used to attenuate the per-pixel occlusion computed by the eye-dome lighting algorithm.
  • out_tolerance – A multiplier on the threshold that the driver uses when comparing adjacent pixel depth values to detect occlusion. This allows the user to control the amount of occlusion added by neighboring pixels based on their relative depth difference.
  • out_strength – A multiplier on the calculated per-pixel occlusion value.

true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowSilhouetteEdges(bool &out_state, float &out_tolerance, bool &out_heavy_exterior) const

Shows the silhouette edge setting.

  • out_state – Whether silhouette edges should be used.
  • out_tolerance – A multiplier on the threshold that the driver uses when comparing adjacent pixel depth values to detect silhouettes. This allows the user to control the trade-off between silhouettes appearing where they shouldn’t, vs disappearing in places they should be.
  • out_heavy_exterior – This option, when enabled, causes an extra thick border to be drawn at the boundary between geometry and the window background (as opposed to geometry on top of other geometry).

true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.

bool ShowWorldScale(float &out_scale) const

Shows the world scale setting.

The world scale is a uniform factor used to express the world units using meters. With a world scale of 1.0, a vector of _(1, 0, 0)_ means that the vector is 1 meter long along the x-axis direction.

Parameters:out_scale – Scale value used by post process effects.
Returns:true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
PostProcessEffectsKit &UnsetAmbientOcclusion()

Removes any ambient occlusion setting.

Returns:A reference to this object.
PostProcessEffectsKit &UnsetBloom()

Removes a bloom setting.

Returns:A reference to this object.
PostProcessEffectsKit &UnsetDepthOfField()

Removes a depth of field setting.

Returns:A reference to this object.
PostProcessEffectsKit &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this object.

Returns:A reference to this object.
PostProcessEffectsKit &UnsetEyeDomeLighting()

Removes an eye-dome lighting setting.

Returns:A reference to this object.
PostProcessEffectsKit &UnsetSilhouetteEdges()

Removes a silhouette edge setting.

Returns:A reference to this object.
PostProcessEffectsKit &UnsetWorldScale()

Removes any world scale setting.

Returns:A reference to this object.
virtual ~PostProcessEffectsKit()

Destroy this kit.

Public Static Functions

static PostProcessEffectsKit GetDefault()

Creates a PostProcessEffectsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default.

Returns:A PostProcessEffectsKit with the default settings.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::PostProcessEffectsKit