
class HPS::TextKey : public HPS::GeometryKey

The TextKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. It is a handle to text inserted via SegmentKey::InsertText.

Public Functions

void Consume(TextKit &in_kit)

Completely replaces all settings on this TextKey with those set on the specified kit and resets the kit.


in_kit – The kit from which to get the settings to replace on this TextKey.

TextKey &EditTextByDeletion(size_t in_row, size_t in_column, size_t in_count)

Removes characters from the text at the specified offset.

  • in_row – The row offset into a multiline text string. This value must be less than the number of lines in the text string.

  • in_column – The column offset in Unicode code points into the specified row in a multiline text string. This value must be less than or equal to the number of Unicode code points within the specified row.

  • in_count – The number of Unicode code points within the given text string to remove.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &EditTextByInsertion(size_t in_row, size_t in_column, size_t in_count, char const *in_text)

Adds characters to the text at the specified offset.

  • in_row – The row offset into a multiline text string. This value must be less than the number of lines in the text string.

  • in_column – The column offset in Unicode code points into the specified row in a multiline text string. This value must be less than the number of Unicode code points within the specified row.

  • in_count – The number of Unicode code points within the given text string to insert into the text.

  • in_text – UTF8-encoded text to insert into the text. This must contain at least in_count Unicode code points.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &EditTextByReplacement(size_t in_row, size_t in_column, size_t in_count, char const *in_text)

Replaces characters from the text at the specified offset.

  • in_row – The row offset into a multiline text string. This value must be less than the number of lines in the text string.

  • in_column – The column offset in Unicode code points into the specified row in a multiline text string. This value must be less than the number of Unicode code points within the specified row.

  • in_count – The number of Unicode code points within the given text string to remove.

  • in_text – UTF8-encoded text to perform replacement with. This must contain at least in_count Unicode code points.


A reference to this TextKey.

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

TextKey &operator=(TextKey &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this TextKey thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a TextKey to take the impl from.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &operator=(TextKey const &other)

Associate this TextKey with the same underlying impl as the source TextKey.


in_that – The source TextKey for the assignment.


A reference to this TextKey.

void Set(TextKit const &in_kit)

Replace those settings on this TextKey with those set on the specified kit.


in_kit – The kit from which to get the settings to replace on this TextKey.

TextKey &SetAlignment(Text::Alignment in_alignment, Text::ReferenceFrame in_reference_frame = Text::ReferenceFrame::WorldAligned, Text::Justification in_justification = Text::Justification::Left)

Sets the alignment for the text. No aligment is set on the text by default.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetBackground(bool in_state)

Sets the background to be used with text.


in_state – Whether a background is drawn for text.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetBackground(bool in_state, char const *in_name)

Sets the background to be used with text.

  • in_state – Whether a background is drawn for text.

  • in_name – The name of a shape definition.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetBackground(char const *in_name)

Sets the background to be used with text. The state is implicitly on.


in_name – The name of a shape definition.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetBackgroundMargins(float in_size, Text::MarginUnits in_units = Text::MarginUnits::Percent)

Sets the amount of additional padding around text strings when backgrounds are used.

  • in_size – The size of the margins.

  • in_units – The units of the size.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetBackgroundMargins(FloatArray const &in_sizes, TextMarginUnitsArray const &in_units)

Sets the amount of additional padding around text strings when backgrounds are used. Additional margin values can also be referenced within definitions of background shapes and leader lines.

  • in_sizes – The size of the margins.

  • in_units – The units of the size.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetBackgroundMargins(size_t in_count, float const in_sizes[], HPS::Text::MarginUnits const in_units[])

Sets the amount of additional padding around text strings when backgrounds are used. Additional margin values can also be referenced within definitions of background shapes and leader lines.

  • in_count – The number of elements in each array.

  • in_sizes – The size of the margins.

  • in_units – The units of the size.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetBackgroundStyle(char const *in_name)

Allows specifying a named style to be used in the drawing of text backgrounds. If no style is specified, backgrounds inherit the face and edge attributes from the containing segment.


in_name – The name of a style, defined in a portfolio that is accessible.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetBold(bool in_state)

Sets whether the text should be bold. For fonts which do not have a bold variant, this setting will be ignored. No bold setting is set on the text by default.


in_state – Whether the text should be bold.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetColor(RGBAColor const &in_rgba_color)

Sets the RGBA color of the text. No color is set on the text by default. If the color set is opaque, an RGBColor will be set instead to improve rendering performance.


in_rgba_color – The RGBA color of the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetColorByIndex(float in_index)

Sets the material index color for the text. No color is set on the text by default.


in_index – The material index color for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetExtraSpace(bool in_state, float in_size = 0.0f, Text::SizeUnits in_units = Text::SizeUnits::ObjectSpace)

Sets the amount of additional space to add between characters in a text string. No extra space is set on the text by default.

  • in_state – Whether to add additional space between characters in a text string.

  • in_size – The size of the additional space to add between characters. Defaults to 0.0f.

  • in_units – The units of the size of the additional space to add between characters. Defaults to Text::SizeUnits::ObjectSpace.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetExtraSpace(float in_size, Text::SizeUnits in_units)

Sets the amount of additional space to add between characters in a text string. This function implicitly enables the addition of extra space. No extra space is set on the text by default.

  • in_size – The size of the additional space to add between characters.

  • in_units – The units of the size of the additional space to add between characters.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetFont(char const *in_name)

Sets the font to use for the text. This must either be a builtin font or a font Visualize can locate in the directories specified by WORLD->SetFontDirectories. If the requested font cannot be found, the stroked font will be used. No font is set on the text by default.




in_name – UTF8-encoded font name to use for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetGreeking(bool in_state, float in_size = 0.0f, Text::GreekingUnits in_units = Text::GreekingUnits::ObjectSpace, Text::GreekingMode in_mode = Text::GreekingMode::Lines)

Sets the greeking settings to use for the text. No greeking settings are set on the text by default.

  • in_state – Whether greeking is enabled for this text.

  • in_size – The size below which to draw a simple symbol in place of a character. Defaults to 0.0f.

  • in_units – The units of the size below which to draw a simple glyph in place of a character. Defaults to Text::GreekingUnits::ObjectSpace.

  • in_mode – The type of symbol to draw for characters which are smaller than the greeking size. Defaults to Text::GreekingMode::Lines.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetGreeking(float in_size, Text::GreekingUnits in_units, Text::GreekingMode in_mode = Text::GreekingMode::Lines)

Sets the greeking settings to use for the text. This function implicitly enables text greeking. No greeking settings are set on the text by default.

  • in_size – The size below which to draw a simple symbol in place of a character.

  • in_units – The units of the size below which to draw a simple glyph in place of a character.

  • in_mode – The type of symbol to draw for characters which are smaller than the greeking size. Defaults to Text::Gree::Lines.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetItalic(bool in_state)

Sets whether the text should be italic. For fonts which do not have an italic variant, this setting will be ignored. No italic setting is set on the text by default.


in_state – Whether the text should be italic.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetLeaderLine(Point const &in_position, Text::LeaderLineSpace in_space = Text::LeaderLineSpace::Object)

Inserts a leader line for this text, with one end specified by in_position and the other end calculated automatically.

  • in_position – the target position of the leader line.

  • in_space – the coordinate space in which in_position is specified.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetLeaderLines(PointArray const &in_positions, Text::LeaderLineSpace in_space = Text::LeaderLineSpace::Object)

Inserts leader lines for this text.

  • in_positions – the target positions of the leader lines.

  • in_space – the coordinate space in which in_positions is specified.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetLeaderLines(size_t in_count, Point const in_positions[], Text::LeaderLineSpace in_space = Text::LeaderLineSpace::Object)

Inserts leader lines for this text.

  • in_count – the size of in_positions.

  • in_positions – the target positions of the leader lines.

  • in_space – the coordinate space in which in_positions is specified.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &SetLineSpacing(float in_multiplier)

Sets the line spacing multiplier for the text. This is a multiple of the font size that will be used to determine spacing between lines in multi-line text string. No line spacing is set on the text by default.


in_multiplier – The line spacing multiplier for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetModellingMatrix(MatrixKit const &in_matrix)

Sets the modelling matrix for the text. No modelling matrix is set on the text by default.


in_matrix – The modelling matrix for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetOverline(bool in_state)

Sets whether an overline should be drawn over the text. No overline setting is set on the text by default.


in_state – Whether an overline should be drawn over the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetPath(Vector const &in_path)

Sets the path for the text. This setting controls the vector along which a text string will be displayed. No path is set on the text by default.




in_path – The path for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetPosition(Point const &in_position)

Repositions the text in object space. \in_position The object-space position for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetPreference(float in_cutoff, Text::SizeUnits in_units, Text::Preference in_smaller, Text::Preference in_larger)

Sets the preference for the text. This setting controls which font type is used for the text for “large” and “small” sizes and the cutoff at which this distinction is made. No preference is set on the text by default.

  • in_cutoff – The font size below which the smaller preference is used and above which the larger preference is used.

  • in_units – The units for the font size below which the smaller preference is used and above which the larger preference is used.

  • in_smaller – The font type preference for strings below the cutoff size.

  • in_larger – The font type preference for strings above the cutoff size.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetPreference(Text::Preference in_preference)

Sets the font type preference for the text. This function implicitly sets the same font type for all text sizes. No preference is set on the text by default.


in_preference – The font type preference for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetRegion(PointArray const &in_region, Text::RegionAlignment in_region_alignment, Text::RegionFitting in_region_fitting, bool in_region_adjust_direction, bool in_region_relative_coordinates, bool in_region_window_space)

Sets the region for the text. This setting forces the text to be rendererd along the vector defined by two object space points. A region additionally allows control over if text should be evenly spaced between those points, or allowed to grow or shrink to avoid stretching or overlapping characters. No region is set on the text by default.



  • in_region – The points defining the region for the text. This array must be of size 2 or 3. A two point region defines an implicit up vector which is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the region line. A three point region uses the first two points as the region line and the third point defines the plane in which a vector perpendicular to the region line will be computed for use as the up vector.

  • in_region_alignment – How the text will be positioned relative to the region line.

  • in_region_fitting – How the text is organized within the region.

  • in_region_adjust_direction – Whether to draw text such that it is readable regardless of camera location.

  • in_region_relative_coordinates – Whether the points defining the region are relative to the insertion point for the text.

  • in_region_window_space – Whether the points defining the region are in window space coordinates.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetRegion(size_t in_region_count, Point const in_region[], Text::RegionAlignment in_region_alignment, Text::RegionFitting in_region_fitting, bool in_region_adjust_direction, bool in_region_relative_coordinates, bool in_region_window_space)

Sets the region for the text. This setting forces the text to be rendererd along the vector defined by two object space points. A region additionally allows control over if text should be evenly spaced between those points, or allowed to grow or shrink to avoid stretching or overlapping characters. No region is set on the text by default.



  • in_region_count – Size of the following array. This value must be 2 or 3. A two point region defines an implicit up vector which is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the region line. A three point region uses the first two points as the region line and the third point defines the plane in which a vector perpendicular to the region line will be computed for use as the up vector.

  • in_region – The points defining the region for the text.

  • in_region_alignment – How the text will be positioned relative to the region line.

  • in_region_fitting – How the text is organized within the text region.

  • in_region_adjust_direction – Whether to draw text such that it is readable regardless of camera location.

  • in_region_relative_coordinates – Whether the points defining the region are relative to the insertion point for the text.

  • in_region_window_space – Whether the points defining the region are in window space coordinates.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetRenderer(Text::Renderer in_renderer)

Sets the renderer for the text. No renderer is set on the text by default.


in_renderer – The renderer for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetRotation(float in_angle)

Sets the angle characters should be rotated within the text string. This function implicitly sets a rotation state of Text::Rotation::Rotate. No rotation is set on the text by default.


in_angle – The angle in degrees to rotate each character within the text string.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetRotation(Text::Rotation in_state, float in_angle = 0.0f)

Sets the angle characters should be rotated within the text string. No rotation is set on the text by default.

  • in_state – Whether and how to rotate the characters within the text string.

  • in_angle – The angle in degrees to rotate each character within the text string. This is only relevant if in_state is Text::Rotation::Rotate. Defaults to 0.0f.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetSize(float in_size, Text::SizeUnits in_units)

Sets the font size to use for the text. No size is set on the text by default.

  • in_size – The size for the text.

  • in_units – The units of the size for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetSizeTolerance(bool in_state, float in_size = 50.0f, Text::SizeToleranceUnits in_units = Text::SizeToleranceUnits::Percent)

Sets the size tolerance settings to use for the text. These settings control how to render text strings which request a size not available for a bitmap font. If a size tolerance is specified and enabled, Visualize will use the nearest smaller size for the bitmap font within the tolerance in place of the requested size. If a size tolerance is not enabled, Visualize will attempt to scale up the nearest bitmap font size to the requested size. This setting has no effect for True Type or Open Type fonts. No size tolerance is set on the text by default.

  • in_state – Whether a size tolerance is enabled for this text.

  • in_size – The size for the tolerance. Defaults to 50.0f.

  • in_units – The units of the size for the tolerance. Defaults to Text::SizeToleranceUnits::Percent.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetSizeTolerance(float in_size, Text::SizeToleranceUnits in_units)

Sets the size tolerance settings to use for the text. These settings control how to render text strings which request a size not available for a bitmap font. If a size tolerance is specified and enabled, Visualize will use the nearest smaller size for the bitmap font within the tolerance in place of the requested size. If a size tolerance is not enabled, Visualize will attempt to scale up the nearest bitmap font size to the requested size. This setting has no effect for True Type or Open Type fonts. This function implicitly enables a size tolerance. No size tolerance is set on the text by default.

  • in_size – The size for the tolerance.

  • in_units – The units of the size for the tolerance.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetSlant(float in_angle)

Sets the slant angle for the text. This determines how far the characters in the string are sheared to the left (negative angle) or right (positive angle) relative to the perpendicular. No slant angle is set on the text by default.


in_angle – The angle in degrees to slant the text. This value must be in the range [-75.0f,+75.0f].


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetSpacing(float in_multiplier)

Sets the spacing multiplier for the text. This setting controls the spacing between adjacent characters within a string. A value of 0.0f would result in all characters being drawn on top of each other, a value of 1.0f would be the standard spacing between characters, a value of 2.0f would insert twice as much space as would normally be between two characters, and so on.


in_multiplier – The spacing multiplier for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetStrikethrough(bool in_state)

Sets whether a strikethrough should be drawn through the text. No strikethrough setting is set on the text by default.


in_state – Whether a strikethrough should be drawn through the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetText(char const *in_string)

Replaces the contents of the string for the text.


in_string – UTF8-encoded string for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetTextAttribute(TextAttributeKit const &in_kit)

Sets the text attributes designated by in_kit on this TextKey.


in_kit – The attribute kit from which to get the attributes for this TextKey.

TextKey &SetTransform(Text::Transform in_transform)

Sets the transform state for the text. No transform state is set on the text by default.


in_transform – The transform state for the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &SetUnderline(bool in_state)

Sets whether an underline should be drawn under the text. No underline setting is set on the text by default.


in_state – Whether an underline should be drawn under the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

void Show(TextKit &out_kit) const

Copy the contents of this TextKey into the specified kit.


out_kit – The kit to populate with the contents of this TextKey.

bool ShowAlignment(Text::Alignment &out_alignment, Text::ReferenceFrame &out_reference_frame, Text::Justification &out_justification) const

Shows the alignment for the text.

  • out_alignment – The alignment for the text.

  • out_reference_frame – The reference frame for the text.

  • out_justification – The justification for the text.


true if an alignment was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowBackground(bool &out_state, UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the background to be used with text.

  • out_state – Whether a background is drawn for text.

  • out_name – The name of a shape definition.


true if a spacing multiplier was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowBackgroundMargins(FloatArray &out_size, TextMarginUnitsArray &out_units) const

Shows the amount of additional padding around text strings when backgrounds are used.

  • out_size – The size of the margins.

  • out_units – The units of the sizes.


true if a spacing multiplier was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowBackgroundStyle(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the named style to be used in the drawing of text backgrounds.


out_name – The name of a style, defined in a portfolio that is accessible.


true if a spacing multiplier was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowBold(bool &out_state) const

Shows whether the text should be bold.


out_state – Whether the text should be bold.


true if a bold setting was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowColor(Material::Type &out_type, RGBAColor &out_rgba_color, float &out_index) const

Shows the color for the text.

  • out_type – The type of color for the text.

  • out_rgba_color – The RGBA color for the text. This is only valid if out_type is Material::Type::RGBAColor.

  • out_index – The material index for the text. This is only valid if out_type is Material::Type::MaterialIndex.


true if a color was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowExtraSpace(bool &out_state, float &out_size, Text::SizeUnits &out_units) const

Shows the amount of additional space to add between characters in a text string.

  • out_state – Whether to add additional space between characters in a text string.

  • out_size – The size of the additional space to add between characters.

  • out_units – The units of the size of the additional space to add between characters.


true if an extra space setting was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowFont(UTF8 &out_name) const

Shows the font to use for the text.


out_name – UTF8-encoded font name to use for the text.


true if a font was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowGreeking(bool &out_state, float &out_size, Text::GreekingUnits &out_units, Text::GreekingMode &out_mode) const

Shows the greeking settings to use for the text.

  • out_state – Whether greeking is enabled for this text.

  • out_size – The size below which to draw a simple symbol in place of a character.

  • out_units – The units of the size below which to draw a simple glyph in place of a character.

  • out_mode – The type of symbol to draw for characters which are smaller than the greeking size.


true if greeking settings were set, false otherwise.

bool ShowItalic(bool &out_state) const

Shows whether the text should be italic.


out_state – Whether the text should be italic.


true if an italic setting was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowLeaderLines(PointArray &out_positions, Text::LeaderLineSpace &out_space) const

Shows the leader lines to be used with text.

  • out_positions – the target positions of the leader lines.

  • out_space – the coordinate space in which the points in out_positions are specified


true if leader lines were set, false otherwise.

bool ShowLineSpacing(float &out_multiplier) const

Shows the line spacing multiplier for the text.


out_multiplier – The line spacing multiplier for the text.


true if a line space multiplier was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowModellingMatrix(MatrixKit &out_matrix) const

Shows the modelling matrix for the text.


out_matrix – The modelling matrix for the text.


true if a modelling matrix was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowOverline(bool &out_state) const

Shows whether an overline should be drawn over the text.


out_state – Whether an overline should be drawn over the text.


true if an overline setting was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowPath(Vector &out_path) const

Shows the path for the text.


out_path – The path for the text.


true if a path was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowPosition(Point &out_position) const

Shows the position for the text.


out_position – The object-space position for the text.


true if a position was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowPreference(float &out_cutoff, Text::SizeUnits &out_units, Text::Preference &out_smaller, Text::Preference &out_larger) const

Shows the preference for the text.

  • out_cutoff – The font size below which the smaller preference is used and above which the larger preference is used.

  • out_units – The units for the font size below which the smaller preference is used and above which the larger preference is used.

  • out_smaller – The font type preference for strings below the cutoff size.

  • out_larger – The font type preference for strings above the cutoff size.


true if a preference was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowRegion(PointArray &out_region, Text::RegionAlignment &out_region_alignment, Text::RegionFitting &out_region_fitting, bool &out_region_adjust_direction, bool &out_region_relative_coordinates, bool &out_region_window_space) const

Shows the region for the text.

  • out_region – The points defining the region for the text.

  • out_region_alignment – How the text will be positioned relative to the region line.

  • out_region_fitting – How the text will be organized within the region.

  • out_region_adjust_direction – Whether to draw text such that it is readable regardless of camera location.

  • out_region_relative_coordinates – Whether the points defining the region are relative to the insertion point for the text.

  • out_region_window_space – Whether the points defining the region are in window space coordinates.


true if a region was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowRenderer(Text::Renderer &out_renderer) const

Shows the renderer for the text.


in_renderer – The renderer for the text.


true if a renderer was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowRotation(Text::Rotation &out_rot, float &out_angle) const

Shows the angle characters should be rotated within the text string.

  • out_rot – Whether to rotate the characters within the text string, and if so, what the angle should be measured with repect to.

  • out_angle – The angle in degrees to rotate each character within the text string.


true if a rotation setting was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowSize(float &out_size, Text::SizeUnits &out_units) const

Shows the font size to use for the text.

  • out_size – The size for the text.

  • out_units – The units of the size for the text.


true if a size was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowSizeTolerance(bool &out_state, float &out_size, Text::SizeToleranceUnits &out_units) const

Shows the size tolerance settings to use for the text.

  • out_state – Whether a size tolerance is enabled for this text.

  • out_size – The size for the tolerance.

  • out_units – The units of the size for the tolerance.


true if a size tolerance was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowSlant(float &out_angle) const

Shows the slant angle for the text.


out_angle – The angle in degrees to slant the text.


true if a slang angle was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowSpacing(float &out_multiplier) const

Shows the spacing multiplier for the text.


out_multiplier – The spacing multiplier for the text.


true if a spacing multiplier was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowStrikethrough(bool &out_state) const

Shows whether a strikethrough should be drawn through the text.


out_state – Whether a strikethrough should be drawn through the text.


true if a strikethrough setting was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowText(UTF8 &out_string) const

Shows the string for the text.


out_string – UTF8-encoded string for the text.


true if a text string was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowTextAttribute(TextAttributeKit &out_kit) const

Sets the text attributes designated by in_kit on this TextKey.


out_kit – The attribute kit to populate with the attributes for this TextKey.


true if the attributes were set, false otherwise.

bool ShowTransform(Text::Transform &out_trans) const

Shows the transform state for the text.


out_transform – The transform state for the text.


true if a transform state was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowUnderline(bool &out_state) const

Shows whether an underline should be drawn under the text.


out_state – Whether an underline should be drawn under the text.


true if an underline setting was set, false otherwise.


The default constructor creates an uninitialized TextKey object. The Type() function will return Type::None.

explicit TextKey(Key const &in_that)

This constructor creates an TextKey object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Key. The copy will only be successful if the source key is really an upcast of a text key. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting TextKey will be invalid.


in_key – The source Key to copy.

TextKey(TextKey &&in_that)

The move constructor creates a TextKey by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this TextKey thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a TextKey to take the impl from.

TextKey(TextKey const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates a TextKey object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source TextKey.


in_that – The source TextKey to copy.

TextKey &UnsetAlignment()

Removes the alignment setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetBackground()

Removes the background setting.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &UnsetBackgroundMargins()

Removes the background margin setting.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &UnsetBackgroundStyle()

Removes the background style setting.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &UnsetBold()

Removes the bold setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetColor()

Removes the color (RGBA or material index) from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetEverything()

Removes all settings from this TextKey.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetExtraSpace()

Removes the extra space setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetFont()

Removes the font setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetGreeking()

Removes the greeking settings from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetItalic()

Removes the italic setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetLeaderLines()

Removes the leader line setting.


A reference to this object.

TextKey &UnsetLineSpacing()

Removes the line spacing setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetModellingMatrix()

Removes the modelling matrix from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetOverline()

Removes the overline setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetPath()

Removes the path from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetPreference()

Removes the font type preference from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetRegion()

Removes the region from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetRenderer()

Removes the renderer setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetRotation()

Removes the rotation setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetSize()

Removes the size setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetSizeTolerance()

Removes the size tolerance setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetSlant()

Removes the slant setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetSpacing()

Removes the spacing setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetStrikethrough()

Removes the strikethrough setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetTransform()

Removes the transform setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.

TextKey &UnsetUnderline()

Removes the underline setting from the text.


A reference to this TextKey.


Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::TextKey