class DWG
The DWG class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via RealDWG.
class CADModel : public HPS::CADModel
The CADModel class is a smart pointer. It represents the DWG drawing file.
Public Functions
HPS::View ActivateDefaultLayout()
Creates a new View object corresponding to the default layout for this CADModel. The View object that is returned will have the corresponding visibility settings, material settings, transformation settings, and camera for the default capture set on it. This call is equivalent to calling ActivateDefaultCapture
The default constructor creates an uninitialized CADModel object. The Type() function will return Type::None.
CADModel(Component const &in_that)
This constructor creates a CADModel object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an DWG::CADModel object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting DWG::CADModel will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source Component to copy.
CADModel(DWG::CADModel &&in_that)
The move constructor creates an DWG::CADModel by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this DWG::CADModel.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an DWG::CADModel to take the underlying object from.
CADModel(DWG::CADModel const &in_that)
The copy constructor creates an DWG::CADModel object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source DWG::CADModel.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source DWG::CADModel to copy.
CADModel(HPS::CADModel const &in_that)
This constructor creates an DWG::CADModel object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source HPS::CADModel. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an DWG::CADModel object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting DWG::CADModel will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source HPS::CADModel to copy.
LayoutArray GetAllLayouts() const
Get a list of all DWG layouts from all subcomponents for this CADModel.
DWGDatabase *GetDWGDatabase() const
Gets the AcDbDatabase pointer corresponding to this DWG::CADModel.
- Returns:
The AcDbDatabase pointer corresponding to this DWG::CADModel.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
CADModel &operator=(DWG::CADModel &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this DWG::CADModel.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an DWG::CADModel to take the underlying object from.
- Returns:
A reference to this DWG::CADModel.
virtual ~CADModel()
HPS::View ActivateDefaultLayout()
class Component : public HPS::Component
The Component class is a smart pointer. It represents a variety of DWG components. The primary purpose of this class is simply to provide access to the underlying DWG object for use by DWG library functions.
Subclassed by HPS::DWG::Layer
Public Functions
The default constructor creates an uninitialized DWG::Component object. The Type() function will return Type::None.
Component(DWG::Component &&in_that)
The move constructor creates an DWG::Component by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this DWG::Component.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an DWG::Component to take the underlying object from.
Component(DWG::Component const &in_that)
The copy constructor creates an DWG::Component object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source DWG::Component.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source DWG::Component to copy.
Component(HPS::Component const &in_that)
This constructor creates an DWG::Component object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an DWG::Component object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting DWG::Component will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source Component to copy.
DWGObjectID *GetDWGObjectID() const
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
Component &operator=(DWG::Component &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this DWG::Component.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an DWG::Component to take the underlying object from.
- Returns:
A reference to this DWG::Component.
class Factory : public HPS::Sprocket
The Factory class is used to create and DWG objects which inherit from HPS::Component or one of its subclasses.
Public Static Functions
static CADModel CreateCADModel(Model const &in_model = HPS::Factory::CreateModel())
Creates a new DWG::CADModel.
- Parameters:
in_model – The Model associated with the newly created DWG::CADModel.
static Component CreateComponent(HPS::Component const &in_owner, HPS::Component::ComponentType in_type, DWGObjectID *in_object_id = nullptr)
Creates a new DWG::Component as a subcomponent of a given Component.
- Parameters:
in_owner – The HPS::Component which owns the newly created DWG::Component.
in_type – The type of DWG::Component to create.
in_object – The DWG object ID associated with the newly created DWG::Component.
static Layer CreateLayer(HPS::Component const &in_owner, DWGObjectID *in_object_id = nullptr)
Creates a new DWG::Layer as a subcomponent of a given Component.
- Parameters:
in_owner – The HPS::Component which owns the newly created DWG::Layer.
in_object – The DWG object ID associated with the newly created DWG::Layer.
static Layout CreateLayout(HPS::Component const &in_owner, HPS::Component::ComponentType in_type, DWGObjectID *in_object_id = nullptr)
Creates a new DWG::Layout as a subcomponent of a given Component.
- Parameters:
in_owner – The HPS::Component which owns the newly created DWG::Component.
in_type – The type of DWG::Component to create.
in_object – The DWG object ID associated with the newly created DWG::Component.
static CADModel CreateCADModel(Model const &in_model = HPS::Factory::CreateModel())
class File
The File class provides functions to import CAD files via DWG.
Public Static Functions
static ImportNotifier Import(char const *in_file_name, ImportOptionsKit const &in_options)
Performs an asynchronous import of the specified CAD file with the provided options. May throw an IOException prior to starting the asynchronous import.
- Parameters:
in_file_name – The name of the CAD file to import.
in_options – The options controlling the import of the CAD file.
- Returns:
An ImportNotfier object that can be used to query the import progress and status.
static ImportNotifier Import(char const *in_file_name, ImportOptionsKit const &in_options)
class ImportNotifier : public HPS::IONotifier
The ImportNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a file import. It is used to interact with an ongoing import or get the results from a completed import.
Public Functions
void Assign(ImportNotifier const &in_that)
Associate this ImportNotifier with the same file import as the source ImportNotifier.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source ImportNotifier for the assignment.
DWG::CADModel GetCADModel() const
Get the CADModel for the file import. Throws an IOException if the import is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.
- Returns:
The CADModel for a successful file import.
Time GetImportTime() const
Get the number of milliseconds it took DWG to read the DWG file. Throws an IOException if the import is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.
Time GetParseTime() const
Get the number of milliseconds it took Visualize to parse the DWG data and create the corresponding scene graph. Throws an IOException if the import is not complete, was not successful or was canceled.
The default constructor creates an ImportNotifier object which is not tied to any file import.
ImportNotifier(ImportNotifier &&in_that)
The move constructor creates an ImportNotifier by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportNotifier thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportNotifier to take the impl from.
ImportNotifier(ImportNotifier const &in_that)
The copy constructor creates a new ImportNotifier object that is associated with the same file import as the source ImportNotifier.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source ImportNotifier to copy.
ImportNotifier(IONotifier const &in_that)
The conversion constructor creates a new derived ImportNotifier object from a base IONotifier object. The copy will only be successful if the source notifier is really an upcast of this notifier type. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting ImportNotifier will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source IONotifier to copy.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
ImportNotifier &operator=(ImportNotifier &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportNotifier thereby avoiding a copy.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportNotifier to take the impl from.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportNotifier.
ImportNotifier &operator=(ImportNotifier const &in_that)
Associate this ImportNotifier with the same file import as the source ImportNotifier.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source ImportNotifier for the assignment.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportNotifier.
virtual ~ImportNotifier()
void Assign(ImportNotifier const &in_that)
class ImportOptionsKit : public HPS::SprocketKit
The HPS::DWG::ImportOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains settings controlling what and how data is imported via DWG. Calling HPS::DWG::ImportOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.
Public Functions
virtual bool Empty() const
Indicates whether this ImportOptionsKit has any values set on it.
- Returns:
true if no values are set on this ImportOptionsKit, false otherwise.
bool Equals(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.
- Returns:
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
The default constructor creates an empty ImportOptionsKit object.
ImportOptionsKit(ImportOptionsKit &&in_that)
The move constructor creates an ImportOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.
ImportOptionsKit(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)
The copy constructor creates a new ImportOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ImportOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to copy.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.
- Returns:
true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.
ImportOptionsKit &operator=(ImportOptionsKit &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an ImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &operator=(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to copy.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
bool operator==(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.
- Returns:
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
void Set(ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source ImportOptionsKit to copy.
ImportOptionsKit &SetLogging(char const *in_log_file)
Sets whether to log internal HPS::DWG calls.
- Parameters:
in_log_file – File name which will contain logging information.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &SetMaxTessellationDeviation(double in_deviation)
Sets the maximum tessellation deviation. This corresponds to the value returned by AcGiCommonDraw::deviation()
- Parameters:
in_deviation – Maximum deviation from tessellation.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &SetTextureDirectories(HPS::UTF8Array const &in_texture_directories)
Sets a list of directories where the importer looks for textures.
- Parameters:
in_texture_directories – An array of directories the importer searches for textures.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &SetUnreferencedRecords(bool in_state)
Sets whether to import block table records which are not referenced in the drawing.
- Parameters:
in_state – Whether to import block table records which are not referenced in the drawing.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
void Show(ImportOptionsKit &out_kit) const
Copies this ImportOptionsKit into the given ImportOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
out_kit – The ImportOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ImportOptionsKit.
bool ShowLogging(HPS::UTF8 &out_log_file) const
Shows the logging import setting.
- Parameters:
out_log_file – The file which will contain the logging information.
- Returns:
true if logging setting was specified, false otherwise.
bool ShowMaxTessellationDeviation(double &out_deviation) const
Shows the maximum tessellation deviation import setting.
- Parameters:
out_deviation – The maximum tessellation deviation setting for this import.
- Returns:
true if a maximum tessellation deviation was specified, false otherwise.
bool ShowTextureDirectories(HPS::UTF8Array &out_texture_directories) const
Shows the directories where the importer looks for textures.
- Parameters:
out_texture_directories – The directories in which the importer looks for textures.
- Returns:
true if texture directories were specified, false otherwise.
bool ShowUnreferencedRecords(bool &out_state) const
Shows the unreferenced records import setting.
- Parameters:
out_state – The unreferenced record setting for this import.
- Returns:
true if an unreferenced record setting was specified, false otherwise.
ImportOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()
Removes all settings from this ImportOptionsKit.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &UnsetLogging()
Removes the logging import state.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &UnsetMaxTessellationDeviation()
Removes the maximum tessellation deviation import state.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &UnsetTextureDirectories()
Removes the texture directory state.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
ImportOptionsKit &UnsetUnreferencedRecords()
Removes the unreferenced records import state.
- Returns:
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
virtual ~ImportOptionsKit()
Public Static Functions
static ImportOptionsKit GetDefault()
Creates an ImportOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::Import.
- Returns:
An ImportOptionsKit with the default settings.
virtual bool Empty() const
class Layer : public HPS::DWG::Component
The Layer class is a user space object. It allows users to turn layers imported through DWG on or off.
Public Functions
bool IsOn() const
Layer(Component const &in_that)
This constructor creates a Layer object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an DWG::Layer object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting DWG::Layer will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source Component to copy.
Layer(HPS::Component const &in_that)
This constructor creates a Layer object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of an DWG::Layer object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting DWG::Layer will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source Component to copy.
Layer(Layer &&in_that)
The move constructor creates an Layer by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Layer thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to a Layer to take the impl from.
Layer(Layer const &in_layer)
The copy constructor creates a new Layer object that contains the same settings as the source Layer.
- Parameters:
in_sheet – The source Layer to copy.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
Layer &operator=(Layer &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this Layer thereby avoiding a copy.
void TurnOff() const
void TurnOn() const
virtual ~Layer()
bool IsOn() const
class Layout : public HPS::Capture
Public Functions
DWGObjectID *GetDWGObjectID() const
The default constructor creates an uninitialized DWG::Layout object. The Type() function will return Type::None.
Layout(Component const &in_that)
This constructor creates a Layout object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Component. The copy will only be successful if the source component is really an upcast of a DWG::Layout object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting DWG::Layout will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source Component to copy.
Layout(DWG::Layout &&in_that)
The move constructor creates an DWG::Layout by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this DWG::Layout.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an DWG::Layout to take the underlying object from.
Layout(DWG::Layout const &in_that)
The copy constructor creates an DWG::Layout object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source DWG::Layout.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source DWG::Layout to copy.
Layout(HPS::Capture const &in_that)
This constructor creates an DWG::Layout object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Layout. The copy will only be successful if the source layout is really an upcast of an DWG::Layout object. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting DWG::Layout will be invalid.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source Layout to copy.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
Layout &operator=(DWG::Layout &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this DWG::Layout.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an DWG::Layout to take the underlying object from.
- Returns:
A reference to this DWG::Layout.
virtual ~Layout()
DWGObjectID *GetDWGObjectID() const
class CADModel : public HPS::CADModel