
class StandAloneWindowOptionsControl : public HPS::Control

The HPS::StandAloneWindowOptionsControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. It is used to set and query stand-alone-window-specific options on a HPS::StandAloneWindowKey.

Default values for the various fields of HPS::StandAloneWindowOptionsControl can be found here.

Standalone windows are not supported on Android, iOS, or macOS as all GUI / windowing is controlled at the application level.

Public Functions

inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const

This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).


The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &operator=(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &&in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy.


in_that – An rvalue reference to an StandAloneWindowOptionsControl to take the impl from.


A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &operator=(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl const &in_that)

Share the underlying smart-pointer of the StandAloneWindowOptionsControl source.


in_that – The StandAloneWindowOptionsControl source of the assignment.


A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetAntiAliasCapable(bool in_state, unsigned int in_samples = 4)

Sets the anti-alias options for this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.

  • in_state – Whether the associated stand-alone window should be anti-alias capable.

  • in_samples – The number of anti-alias samples to use for the associated stand-alone window. Defaults to 4.


A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetFallbackFonts(UTF8Array const &in_fonts)

Supplies an array of fonts to be used as fallbacks for when a character can not be found in the active font.


in_fonts – An array of UTF8 encoded strings that correspond to the fallback fonts being used.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetFullScreen(bool in_state)

Sets whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.


in_state – Whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.


A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetMobility(Window::Mobility in_mobility)

Sets the mobility for this stand-alone window. Mobility refers to the resizing and positioning behaviors of a window.


in_mobility – The mobility for this stand-alone window.


A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetScreenAntiAliasing(bool in_state)

Manipulates the state of screen anti-aliasing.


in_state – Whether screen anti-aliasing should be used.


A reference to this object.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetSubscreen(Rectangle const &in_subscreen)

Sets the subscreen to render into for this stand-alone window.


in_subscreen – The subscreen to render into for this stand-alone window. The units of the Rectangle are in window space, so -1.0f corresponds to the left (or bottom) of the window and 1.0f corresponds to the right (or top) of the window.


A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.

bool ShowAntiAliasCapable(bool &out_state, unsigned int &out_samples) const

Shows the whether this stand-alone window is anti-alias capable, and if so, how many samples it uses for anti-aliasing.

  • out_state – Whether this stand-alone window is anti-alias capable.

  • out_samples – The number of anti-alias samples supported by this stand-alone window.


true if any anti-alias options were set, false otherwise.

bool ShowDriver(Window::Driver &out_driver) const

Shows the driver for this stand-alone window.


out_driver – The driver for this stand-alone window.


true if a driver was set, false otherwise.

size_t ShowFallbackFonts(UTF8Array &out_fonts) const

Returns an array of fonts set to be used as fallbacks for when a character can not be found in the active font.


out_fonts – An array of UTF8 encoded strings that correspond to the fallback fonts being used.

bool ShowFullScreen(bool &out_state) const

Shows whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.


out_state – Whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.


true if a full screen flag was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowMobility(Window::Mobility &out_mobility) const

Shows the mobility for this stand-alone window.


out_mobility – The mobility for this stand-alone window.


true if a mobility was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowSubscreen(Rectangle &out_subscreen) const

Shows the subscreen for this stand-alone window.


out_subscreen – The subscreen for this stand-alone window.


true if a subscreen was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowTitle(UTF8 &out_window_name) const

Shows the title for this stand-alone window.


out_window_name – UTF8-encoded title for this stand-alone window.


true if a title was set, false otherwise.

bool ShowWindowHandle(WindowHandle &out_window_handle) const

Shows the window handle for the associated standalone window.


out_window_handle – The window handle for the associated standalone window.


true if a window handle is available, false otherwise.

explicit StandAloneWindowOptionsControl(StandAloneWindowKey &in_seg)

This constructor creates a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl object which is tied to the specified offscreen window.


in_window – The application window which this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl should operate on.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &&in_that)

The move constructor creates a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.


in_that – An rvalue reference to a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl to take the impl from.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl const &in_that)

The copy constructor creates a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.


in_that – The source StandAloneWindowOptionsControl to copy.

StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &UnsetFallbackFonts()

Unsets any fonts currently used as fallback fonts.


Releases a reference to the database object this control is tied to.

Public Static Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::StandAloneWindowOptionsControl