class StandAloneWindowOptionsControl : public HPS::Control
The HPS::StandAloneWindowOptionsControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. It is used to set and query stand-alone-window-specific options on a HPS::StandAloneWindowKey.
Default values for the various fields of HPS::StandAloneWindowOptionsControl can be found here.
Standalone windows are not supported on Android, iOS, or macOS as all GUI / windowing is controlled at the application level.
Public Functions
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &operator=(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to an StandAloneWindowOptionsControl to take the impl from.
- Returns:
A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &operator=(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl const &in_that)
Share the underlying smart-pointer of the StandAloneWindowOptionsControl source.
- Parameters:
in_that – The StandAloneWindowOptionsControl source of the assignment.
- Returns:
A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetAntiAliasCapable(bool in_state, unsigned int in_samples = 4)
Sets the anti-alias options for this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
- Parameters:
in_state – Whether the associated stand-alone window should be anti-alias capable.
in_samples – The number of anti-alias samples to use for the associated stand-alone window. Defaults to 4.
- Returns:
A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetFallbackFonts(UTF8Array const &in_fonts)
Supplies an array of fonts to be used as fallbacks for when a character can not be found in the active font.
- Parameters:
in_fonts – An array of UTF8 encoded strings that correspond to the fallback fonts being used.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetFullScreen(bool in_state)
Sets whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.
- Parameters:
in_state – Whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.
- Returns:
A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetMobility(Window::Mobility in_mobility)
Sets the mobility for this stand-alone window. Mobility refers to the resizing and positioning behaviors of a window.
- Parameters:
in_mobility – The mobility for this stand-alone window.
- Returns:
A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetScreenAntiAliasing(bool in_state)
Manipulates the state of screen anti-aliasing.
- Parameters:
in_state – Whether screen anti-aliasing should be used.
- Returns:
A reference to this object.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &SetSubscreen(Rectangle const &in_subscreen)
Sets the subscreen to render into for this stand-alone window.
- Parameters:
in_subscreen – The subscreen to render into for this stand-alone window. The units of the Rectangle are in window space, so -1.0f corresponds to the left (or bottom) of the window and 1.0f corresponds to the right (or top) of the window.
- Returns:
A reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
bool ShowAntiAliasCapable(bool &out_state, unsigned int &out_samples) const
Shows the whether this stand-alone window is anti-alias capable, and if so, how many samples it uses for anti-aliasing.
- Parameters:
out_state – Whether this stand-alone window is anti-alias capable.
out_samples – The number of anti-alias samples supported by this stand-alone window.
- Returns:
true if any anti-alias options were set, false otherwise.
bool ShowDriver(Window::Driver &out_driver) const
Shows the driver for this stand-alone window.
- Parameters:
out_driver – The driver for this stand-alone window.
- Returns:
true if a driver was set, false otherwise.
size_t ShowFallbackFonts(UTF8Array &out_fonts) const
Returns an array of fonts set to be used as fallbacks for when a character can not be found in the active font.
- Parameters:
out_fonts – An array of UTF8 encoded strings that correspond to the fallback fonts being used.
bool ShowFullScreen(bool &out_state) const
Shows whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.
- Parameters:
out_state – Whether this stand-alone window should fill the screen.
- Returns:
true if a full screen flag was set, false otherwise.
bool ShowMobility(Window::Mobility &out_mobility) const
Shows the mobility for this stand-alone window.
- Parameters:
out_mobility – The mobility for this stand-alone window.
- Returns:
true if a mobility was set, false otherwise.
bool ShowSubscreen(Rectangle &out_subscreen) const
Shows the subscreen for this stand-alone window.
- Parameters:
out_subscreen – The subscreen for this stand-alone window.
- Returns:
true if a subscreen was set, false otherwise.
bool ShowTitle(UTF8 &out_window_name) const
Shows the title for this stand-alone window.
- Parameters:
out_window_name – UTF8-encoded title for this stand-alone window.
- Returns:
true if a title was set, false otherwise.
bool ShowWindowHandle(WindowHandle &out_window_handle) const
Shows the window handle for the associated standalone window.
- Parameters:
out_window_handle – The window handle for the associated standalone window.
- Returns:
true if a window handle is available, false otherwise.
explicit StandAloneWindowOptionsControl(StandAloneWindowKey &in_seg)
This constructor creates a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl object which is tied to the specified offscreen window.
- Parameters:
in_window – The application window which this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl should operate on.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &&in_that)
The move constructor creates a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this StandAloneWindowOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl to take the impl from.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl(StandAloneWindowOptionsControl const &in_that)
The copy constructor creates a StandAloneWindowOptionsControl object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source StandAloneWindowOptionsControl.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source StandAloneWindowOptionsControl to copy.
StandAloneWindowOptionsControl &UnsetFallbackFonts()
Unsets any fonts currently used as fallback fonts.
Releases a reference to the database object this control is tied to.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const