class SelectionItem : public HPS::Object
The SelectionItem class is a smart-pointer to a database object. It represents an item in a SelectionResults object.
Public Functions
bool Equals(SelectionItem const &in_that) const
Check if the source SelectionItem is equivalent to this SelectionItem.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SelectionItem to compare to this SelectionItem.
- Returns:
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(SelectionItem const &in_that) const
Check if the source SelectionItem is not equivalent to this SelectionItem.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SelectionItem to compare to this SelectionItem.
- Returns:
true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.
SelectionItem &operator=(SelectionItem &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SelectionItem thereby avoiding a copy.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to a SelectionItem to take the impl from.
- Returns:
A reference to this SelectionItem.
SelectionItem &operator=(SelectionItem const &in_that)
Associate this SelectionItem with the same underlying impl as the source SelectionItem.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source SelectionItem for the assignment.
- Returns:
A reference to this SelectionItem.
bool operator==(SelectionItem const &in_that) const
Check if the source SelectionItem is equivalent to this SelectionItem.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SelectionItem to compare to this SelectionItem.
- Returns:
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
The default constructor creates an uninitialized SelectionItem object. The Type() function will return Type::None.
SelectionItem(SelectionItem &&in_that)
The move constructor creates a SelectionItem by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SelectionItem thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to a SelectionItem to take the impl from.
SelectionItem(SelectionItem const &in_that)
The copy constructor creates a SelectionItem object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source SelectionItem.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source SelectionItem to copy.
void Set(SelectionItem const &in_that)
Associate this SelectionItem with the same underlying impl as the source SelectionItem.
- Parameters:
in_that – The source SelectionItem for the assignment.
bool ShowCharacters(SizeTArray &out_characters) const
Shows the indices to the characters within a text string for the item that was selected if using subentity selection.
- Parameters:
out_characters – The indices to the characters within a text string for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the indices array is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowEdges(SizeTArray &out_vertices1, SizeTArray &out_vertices2) const
Shows the indices to the edges (i.e., indices to the vertices at each end of an edge) within a shell, mesh, or polygon for the item that was selected if using subentity selection.
- Parameters:
out_vertices1 – The list of the first vertex index for each edge. Returned to caller.
out_vertices2 – The list of the second vertex index for each edge. Returned to caller.
- Returns:
true if the indices array is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowFaces(SizeTArray &out_faces) const
Shows the indices to the faces within a shell or mesh for the item that was selected if using subentity selection.
- Parameters:
out_faces – The indices to the faces within a shell or mesh for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the indices array is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowNormalizedSelectionPosition(WindowPoint &out_location) const
Shows the Z-normalized selection position in window space for the item that was selected.
- Parameters:
out_location – The selection position in window space with a normalized Z-coordinate for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the window space position is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowPath(KeyPath &out_path) const
Shows the key path for the item that was selected.
- Parameters:
out_path – The key path for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the key path is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowSelectedItem(Key &out_selection) const
Shows the key for the item that was selected.
- Parameters:
out_selection – The key for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the key is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowSelectionLevel(Selection::Level &out_level) const
Shows the selection level used when this item was selected.
- Parameters:
out_level – The selection level used when this item was selected.
- Returns:
true if the selection level is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowSelectionPosition(WindowPoint &out_location) const
Shows the selection position in window space for the item that was selected.
- Parameters:
out_location – The selection position in window space for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the window space position is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowSelectionPosition(WorldPoint &out_location) const
Shows the selection position in world space for the item that was selected.
- Parameters:
out_location – The selection position in world space for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the world space position is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowVertices(SizeTArray &out_vertices) const
Shows the indices to the vertices within a shell, mesh, line, polygon, or NURBS curve for the item that was selected if using subentity selection.
- Parameters:
out_vertices – The indices to the vertices within a shell, mesh, line, polygon, or NURBS curve for the item that was selected.
- Returns:
true if the indices array is valid, false otherwise.
virtual ~SelectionItem()
bool Equals(SelectionItem const &in_that) const