class CuttingSectionOperator : public HPS::SelectOperator
Public Functions
CuttingSectionOperator(MouseButtons in_mouse_trigger = MouseButtons::ButtonLeft(), ModifierKeys in_modifier_trigger = ModifierKeys())
inline float GetIndicatorScale() const
Returns the scale used for the normal indicator displayed while mousing over the model when the operator is first started.
- Returns:
The scale of the normal indicator.
inline bool GetIndicatorVisibility()
Whether the plane normal indicator is visible
- Returns:
true if the plane normal indicator is visible, false otherwise.
inline bool GetMouseOverHighlighting() const
Whether mouse-over highlighting is enabled
- Returns:
true if mouse-over highlighting is enabled, false otherwise.
inline HighlightOptionsKit GetPlaneHighlightOptions() const
Returns the highlight options kit used when hovering over geometry, when mouse-over highlighting is enabled.
- Returns:
the highlight options kit used when hovering over geometry, when mouse-over highlighting is enabled.
inline MaterialMappingKit GetPlaneMaterial() const
Returns the material mapping kit applied to the cutting plane geometry.
- Returns:
The material mapping kit applied to the cutting plane geometry.
PlaneArray GetPlanes()
This function returns the planes associated with the active cutting sections
- Returns:
planes associated with the active cutting sections.
bool GetPlaneVisibility()
Whether the cutting sections plane representations are visible
- Returns:
true if the cutting sections plane representations are visible, false otherwise.
inline bool GetSectioning()
Whether sectioning is enabled
- Returns:
true if sectioning is enabled, false otherwise.
virtual bool OnMouseDown(MouseState const &in_state)
This function is called whenever HPS receives a MouseEvent that signals a mouse button was pressed. This function starts the operator and computes the position of the starting point. When the operator is first started, this function inserts a cutting section.
- Parameters:
in_state – A MouseState object describing the current mouse state.
- Returns:
true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.
virtual bool OnMouseMove(MouseState const &in_state)
This function is called whenever HPS receives a MouseEvent that signals the mouse moved When the operator is first started this function displays a normal indicator when the user mouses over geometry. After a cutting section has been inserted this function allows the user to translate a cutting section along its normal
- Parameters:
in_state – A MouseState object describing the current mouse state.
- Returns:
true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.
virtual bool OnMouseUp(MouseState const &in_state)
This function is called whenever HPS receives a MouseEvent that signals a mouse button was released.
- Parameters:
in_state – A MouseState object describing the current mouse state.
- Returns:
true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.
virtual bool OnTimerTick(TimerTickEvent const &in_event)
This function is called whenever HPS receives a TimerTickEvent This function moves the camera
- Parameters:
in_state – A TimerTickEvent object describing the current timer tick.
- Returns:
true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.
virtual bool OnTouchDown(TouchState const &in_state)
This function is called whenever HPS receives a TouchEvent that signals the device was touched. This function starts the operator and computes the position of the starting point. When the operator is first started, this function inserts a cutting section.
- Parameters:
in_state – A TouchState object describing the current touch state.
- Returns:
true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.
virtual bool OnTouchMove(TouchState const &in_state)
This function is called whenever HPS receives a TouchEvent that signals a point of contact has moved. After a cutting section has been inserted this function allows the user to translate a cutting section along its normal
- Parameters:
in_state – A TouchState object describing the current touch state.
- Returns:
true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.
virtual bool OnTouchUp(TouchState const &in_state)
This function is called whenever HPS receives a TouchEvent that signals a point of contact has been released.
- Parameters:
in_state – A TouchState object describing the current touch state.
- Returns:
true if the input event was handled, false otherwise.
virtual void OnViewAttached(HPS::View const &in_attached_view)
This function is called whenever a view is attached to this operator.
- Parameters:
in_attached_view – The view attached to this operator.
virtual void OnViewDetached(HPS::View const &in_detached_view)
This function is called whenever a view is detached from this operator.
- Parameters:
in_detached_view – The view detached from this operator.
void RecalculateModelBounding()
inline void SetIndicatorScale(float in_scale)
Sets the scale of the normal indicator displayed while mousing over the model when the operator is first started.
- Parameters:
in_scale – The scale of the normal indicator
void SetIndicatorVisibility(bool in_use_indicator)
This function allows the user to pick a cutting sections through the aid of a normal indicator when moving the mouse By default this mode is active when the operator is fist attached to a View
- Parameters:
in_use_indicator – Whether to insert cutting sections through a normal indicator.
inline void SetMouseOverHighlighting(bool in_enable_mouse_over_highlighting)
Sets the mouse-over highlighting behavior
- Parameters:
in_enable_mouse_over_highlighting – Whether to enable mouse-over highlighting.
inline void SetPlaneHighlightOptions(HighlightOptionsKit const &in_highlight_options)
Sets the highlight options kit used when hovering over geometry, when mouse-over highlighting is enabled.
- Parameters:
in_highlight_options – The highlight options kit used when hovering over geometry, when mouse-over highlighting is enabled.
void SetPlaneMaterial(MaterialMappingKit const &in_plane_material)
Sets the material mapping kit applied to the cutting plane geometry.
- Parameters:
in_plane_material – The material mapping kit applied to the cutting plane geometry.
void SetPlanes(PlaneArray const &in_planes)
This function programmatically assigns cutting planes to this operator from plane equations. If this operator has already had cutting planes associated with it, the cutting planes set using this function replace the previous cutting planes.
- Parameters:
in_planes – An array of Plane objects describing the cutting planes to be inserted.
void SetPlaneVisibility(bool in_visibility)
Sets the visibility of cutting sections plane representation The cutting sections plane representation visibility is on by default.
- Parameters:
in_visibility – Whether to enable the visibility of the cutting sections plane representation.
void SetSectioning(bool in_sectioning)
Sets the sectioning behavior When sectioning is turned on the cutting planes are grouped together into a section
- Parameters:
in_sectioning – Whether to enable sectioning.
CuttingSectionOperator(MouseButtons in_mouse_trigger = MouseButtons::ButtonLeft(), ModifierKeys in_modifier_trigger = ModifierKeys())