class SearchOptionsKit : public HPS::Kit
The SearchOptionsKit class is a user space object. It contains options used when performing a search.
Public Functions
virtual bool Empty() const
Indicates whether this SearchOptionsKit has any values set on it.
- Returns:
true if no values are set on this SearchOptionsKit, false otherwise.
bool Equals(SearchOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source SearchOptionsKit is equivalent to this SearchOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SearchOptionsKit to compare to this SearchOptionsKit.
- Returns:
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns:
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(SearchOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source SearchOptionsKit is not equivalent to this SearchOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SearchOptionsKit to compare to this SearchOptionsKit.
- Returns:
true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.
SearchOptionsKit &operator=(SearchOptionsKit &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SearchOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to a SearchOptionsKit to take the impl from.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &operator=(SearchOptionsKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source SearchOptionsKit into this SearchOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SearchOptionsKit to copy.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
bool operator==(SearchOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source SearchOptionsKit is equivalent to this SearchOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SearchOptionsKit to compare to this SearchOptionsKit.
- Returns:
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
The default constructor creates an empty SearchOptionsKit object.
SearchOptionsKit(SearchOptionsKit &&in_that)
The move constructor creates a SearchOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SearchOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters:
in_that – An rvalue reference to a SearchOptionsKit to take the impl from.
SearchOptionsKit(SearchOptionsKit const &in_kit)
The copy constructor creates a new SearchOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source SearchOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SearchOptionsKit to copy.
void Set(SearchOptionsKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source SearchOptionsKit into this SearchOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
in_kit – The source SearchOptionsKit to copy.
SearchOptionsKit &SetBehavior(Search::Behavior in_behavior)
Sets the behavior to use when performing a search.
- Parameters:
in_behavior – The behavior to use when performing a search.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &SetCriteria(Search::Type in_request)
Sets the type of entity to look for when performing a search.
- Parameters:
in_request – The type of entity to look for.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &SetCriteria(SearchTypeArray const &in_requests)
Sets the type of entities to look for when performing a search.
- Parameters:
in_requests – Array of the entity types to look for.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &SetCriteria(size_t in_count, Search::Type const in_requests[])
Sets the type of entities to look for when performing a search.
- Parameters:
in_count – Size of the next array.
in_requests – Array of the entity types to look for.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &SetSearchSpace(Search::Space in_search_space)
Sets which segments to look in when performing a search.
- Parameters:
in_search_space – Which segments to look in when performing a search.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
void Show(SearchOptionsKit &out_kit) const
Copies this SearchOptionsKit into the given SearchOptionsKit.
- Parameters:
out_kit – The SearchOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this SearchOptionsKit.
bool ShowBehavior(Search::Behavior &out_behavior) const
Shows the behavior to use when performing a search.
- Parameters:
out_behavior – The behavior to use when performing a search.
- Returns:
true if a behavior was set, false otherwise.
bool ShowCriteria(SearchTypeArray &out_types) const
Shows the entity types to look for when performing a search.
- Parameters:
out_types – Array of the entity types to look for.
- Returns:
true if the array is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowSearchSpace(Search::Space &out_search_space) const
Shows which segments to look in when performing a search.
- Parameters:
out_search_space – Which segments to look in when performing a search.
- Returns:
true if the search space is valid, false otherwise.
SearchOptionsKit &UnsetBehavior()
Removes the behavior to use when performing a search.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &UnsetCriteria()
Removes the entity types to look for when performing a search.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &UnsetEverything()
Removes all settings from this SearchOptionsKit.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
SearchOptionsKit &UnsetSearchSpace()
Removes which segments to look in when performing a search.
- Returns:
A reference to this SearchOptionsKit.
virtual ~SearchOptionsKit()
Public Static Functions
static SearchOptionsKit GetDefault()
Creates a SearchOptionsKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default.
- Returns:
A SearchOptionsKit with the default settings.
virtual bool Empty() const