
class UpdateCompletedEvent : public HPS::Event

The UpdateCompletedEvent class is the event that is generated when an update is completed Note: Updates happen on a per-WindowKey basis, therefore, EventHandler objects which handle UpdateCompletedEvents need to be subscribed to the EventDispatcher of the WindowKey

whose update needs to be monitored. Example: myWindow.GetEventDspatcher().Subscribe(*my_handler,


Public Functions

inline virtual char const *ClassName() const override
inline virtual Event *Clone() const override

Allocates and returns a copy of this UpdateCompletedEvent.


A copy of this UpdateCompletedEvent.

inline UpdateCompletedEvent()

The default constructor creates a UpdateCompletedEvent.

inline UpdateCompletedEvent(Event const &in_event)

This constructor converts an Event Object to an UpdateCompletedEvent object.


in_event – The Event Object to be converted.

inline UpdateCompletedEvent(Time in_update_time, Window::UpdateStatus in_update_status)

The constructor creates a UpdateCompletedEvent.

virtual ~UpdateCompletedEvent()

Public Members

Window::UpdateStatus update_status
Time update_time