class HPS::HiddenLineAttributeKit : public HPS::Kit
The HPS::HiddenLineAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. Calling HPS::HiddenLineAttributeKit::GetDefault() will return a kit with values found in this table.
Public Functions
virtual bool Empty() const
Indicates whether this object has any values set on it.
- Returns
true if no values are set on this object, false otherwise.
bool Equals(HiddenLineAttributeKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source HiddenLineAttributeKit is equivalent to this object.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source HiddenLineAttributeKit to compare to this object.
- Returns
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
Initializes an empty kit.
HiddenLineAttributeKit(HiddenLineAttributeKit &&in_that)
The move constructor creates a HiddenLineAttributeKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this HiddenLineAttributeKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.
- Parameters
in_that – An rvalue reference to a HiddenLineAttributeKit to take the impl from.
HiddenLineAttributeKit(HiddenLineAttributeKit const &in_kit)
The copy constructor creates a new HiddenLineAttributeKit object that contains the same settings as the source object.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source object to copy.
inline virtual HPS::Type ObjectType() const
This function returns the type the object, as declared (if the object is derived, this does not give the true type of the derived object).
- Returns
The declared type of the object in question, which may differ from the true, underlying type.
bool operator!=(HiddenLineAttributeKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source HiddenLineAttributeKit is not equivalent to this object.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source HiddenLineAttributeKit to compare to this object.
- Returns
true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &operator=(HiddenLineAttributeKit &&in_that)
The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this HiddenLineAttributeKit thereby avoiding a copy.
- Parameters
in_that – An rvalue reference to a HiddenLineAttributeKit to take the impl from.
- Returns
A reference to this HiddenLineAttributeKit.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &operator=(HiddenLineAttributeKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source HiddenLineAttributeKit into this object.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source HiddenLineAttributeKit to copy.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
bool operator==(HiddenLineAttributeKit const &in_kit) const
Check if the source HiddenLineAttributeKit is equivalent to this object.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source HiddenLineAttributeKit to compare to this object.
- Returns
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
void Set(HiddenLineAttributeKit const &in_kit)
Copies the source HiddenLineAttributeKit into this object.
- Parameters
in_kit – The source object to copy.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetAlgorithm(HiddenLine::Algorithm in_algorithm)
Specifies the sorting algorithm that should be used to sort faces that have been made visible by the SetRenderFaces method. Default is ZBuffer.
- Parameters
in_algorithm – The algorithm used to sort visible faces.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetColor(RGBAColor const &in_color)
Sets the color to be applied to the hidden lines and markers.
- Parameters
in_color – The color hidden line geometry should be drawn in.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetDimFactor(float in_zero_to_one)
Specifies the fraction of the current line color’s R, G, and B channels to use for the color of hidden lines and markers. By default, Visualize will automatically take a fraction of the RGB values to darken the hidden lines and markers.
- Parameters
in_zero_to_one – A multiplier, between [0,1], applied to each channel of the hidden line color.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetFaceDisplacement(float in_buckets)
Specifies how many units to push faces away from the camera. This can help improve hidden line scene quality if distinct polylines/lines are being used to denote user-defined edges on shell/mesh regions, but are not exactly coincident with the actual shell/mesh edges. Note: hidden line face displacement is separate from the general face displacement value set with the DrawingAttributeKit::SetFaceDisplacement.
- Parameters
in_buckets – The number of units to move faces in the Z-Buffer. The units are 1/2^24 in the normalized depth range [0,1]. Negative values will move faces toward the camera, positive values away from the camera.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetLinePattern(char const *in_pattern)
Specifies the pattern of the hidden lines.
- Parameters
in_pattern – The name of a line pattern, defined in a portfolio that is accessible.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetLineSorting(bool in_state, float in_threshold = 2.0f, Line::SizeUnits in_units = HPS::Line::SizeUnits::Pixels)
Species whether hidden lines are sorted, and if so, what the threshold for sorting is. If Hidden Line Sorting is activated, lines will be drawn in proper z-order. If this option is not activated, the order in which lines are drawn is non-deterministic. Enabling this option will result in slower performance. Due to the poor performance, this option is not recommended for screen drawing. However, it may be useful for hardcopy export. Use the functions HPS::Hardcopy::GDI::ExportOptionsKit::SetHiddenLineSorting() or HPS::Hardcopy::File::ExportOptionsKit::SetHiddenLineSorting() to enable this option for hardcopy export.
- Parameters
in_state – Should hidden lines be sorted.
in_threshold – What is the minimum size of hidden lines that are sorted. Lines thinner than this will not be sorted.
in_units – What units in_threshold is specified in.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetRenderFaces(bool in_state)
Specifies whether triangles will be displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Parameters
in_state – Whether triangles will displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetRenderText(bool in_state)
Specifies whether text will be displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Parameters
in_state – Whether text will displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetSilhouetteCleanup(bool in_state)
Silhouette edges can show unpleasant “fishtail” patterns at points on smooth surfaces where curvature in one orientation is very different from the curvature in another (e.g. the inside of a torus). Silhouette cleanup causes a post-process to remove most of these patterns.
- Parameters
in_state – Whether hidden line rendering should be post-processed to remove visual artifacts.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetTransparencyCutoff(float in_zero_to_one)
Specifies the threshold for when transparent objects are considered opaque. Objects with transparency greater than the cutoff will be considered opaque while objects with transparency less than the cutoff will treated as transparent.
- Parameters
in_zero_to_one – The cutoff value, between [0,1].
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetVisibility(bool in_state)
Specifies whether hidden lines and markers should be displayed.
- Parameters
in_state – The algorithm to be used during hidden line rendering.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &SetWeight(float in_weight, Line::SizeUnits in_units = Line::SizeUnits::ScaleFactor)
Sets the weight of lines drawn in hidden line rendering.
- Parameters
in_weight – The weight value for hidden lines.
in_units – The units applied to in_weight.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
void Show(HiddenLineAttributeKit &out_kit) const
Copies this object into the given HiddenLineAttributeKit.
- Parameters
out_kit – The HiddenLineAttributeKit to populate with the contents of this object.
bool ShowAlgorithm(HiddenLine::Algorithm &out_algorithm) const
Shows the sorting algorithm that will be used to sort faces that have been made visible by the SetRenderFaces method.
- Parameters
out_algorithm – The algorithm used to sort visible faces.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowColor(RGBAColor &out_color) const
Shows the color applied to hidden lines and markers.
- Parameters
out_color – The color of hidden line geometry.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowDimFactor(float &out_zero_to_one) const
Shows the dim factor multiplier applied to each channel of the hidden line color.
- Parameters
out_zero_to_one – A multiplier, between [0,1], applied to each channel of the hidden line color.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowFaceDisplacement(float &out_buckets) const
Shows the number of units to push faces away from the camera.
- Parameters
out_buckets – The number of “z buckets” to push faces away from the camera.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowLinePattern(UTF8 &out_pattern) const
Shows the pattern of the hidden lines.
- Parameters
out_pattern – The name of a line pattern, defined in a portfolio that is accessible.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowLineSorting(bool &out_state, float &out_threshold, Line::SizeUnits &out_units) const
Shows the hidden line sorting options.
- Parameters
out_state – Whether hidden line sorting is on or off.
out_threshold – The minimum width at which hidden lines are sorted.
out_units – The units that out_threshold is measured in.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowRenderFaces(bool &out_state) const
Shows whether triangles will be displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Parameters
out_state – Whether triangles will displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowRenderText(bool &out_state) const
Shows whether text will be displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Parameters
out_state – Whether text will displayed during a hidden-line rendering.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowSilhouetteCleanup(bool &out_state) const
Shows whether hidden line rendering should be post-processed to remove visual artifacts of silhouette edges.
- Parameters
out_state – Whether hidden line rendering should be post-processed to remove visual artifacts.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowTransparencyCutoff(float &out_zero_to_one) const
Shows the threshold for when transparent objects are considered opaque.
- Parameters
out_zero_to_one – The cutoff value, between [0,1].
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowVisibility(bool &out_state) const
Shows whether hidden lines and markers should be displayed.
- Parameters
out_state – Whether hidden lines and markers should be displayed.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
bool ShowWeight(float &out_weight, Line::SizeUnits &out_units) const
Shows the weight of lines drawn in hidden line rendering.
- Parameters
out_weight – The weight value for hidden lines.
out_units – The units applied to in_weight.
- Returns
true if the setting is valid, false otherwise.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetAlgorithm()
Removes the hidden line algorithm setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetColor()
Removes the hidden line color setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetDimFactor()
Removes the dim factor setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetEverything()
Removes all settings from this object.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetFaceDisplacement()
Removes the face displacement setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetLinePattern()
Removes the line pattern setting for hidden lines.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetLineSorting()
Removes the line sorting setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetRenderFaces()
Removes the face rendering setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetRenderText()
Removes the text rendering setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetSilhouetteCleanup()
Removes the silhouette cleanup setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetTransparencyCutoff()
Removes the transparency cutoff setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetVisibility()
Removes the hidden line visibility setting.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
HiddenLineAttributeKit &UnsetWeight()
Removes the weight setting for hidden line.
- Returns
A reference to this object.
virtual ~HiddenLineAttributeKit()
Destroy this kit.
Public Static Functions
static HiddenLineAttributeKit GetDefault()
Creates a HiddenLineAttributeKit which contains the default settings. The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default.
- Returns
A HiddenLineAttributeKit with the default settings.
Public Static Attributes
static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::HiddenLineAttributeKit
virtual bool Empty() const