
class Database

The Database class is a special type that is never intended to be instantiated. It contains static functions for creating top-level database objects as well as performing global queries and actions.

Public Static Functions

static ApplicationWindowKey CreateApplicationWindow(WindowHandle in_window_handle, ApplicationWindowOptionsKit const &in_options)

Create an application window for the given window handle that Visualize can draw into with the specified options.

  • in_window_handle – Handle to the window that Visualize will draw into.
  • in_options – Options for the application window.

An application window key corresponding to the given handle using the specified options.

static ApplicationWindowKey CreateApplicationWindow(WindowHandle in_window_handle, Window::Driver in_driver = Window::Driver::Default3D)

Create an application window for the given window handle that Visualize can draw into with the specified driver. By default Visualize will try to create an anti-alias capable driver.

  • in_window_handle – Handle to the window that Visualize will draw into.
  • in_driver – Type of driver Visualize should create. Defaults to Window::Driver::Default3D.

An application window key corresponding to the given handle using the specified driver.

static EventDispatcher CreateEventDispatcher()

Create a new EventDispatcher with a dedicated thread ready to dispatch events to handlers.

Returns:A new EventDispatcher.
static EventDispatcher CreateEventDispatcher(char const *in_name)

Create a new EventDispatcher with a dedicated thread ready to dispatch events to handlers.

Parameters:in_name – A specific name for the new dispatcher.
Returns:A new EventDispatcher.
static OffScreenWindowKey CreateOffScreenWindow(ImageDefinition const &in_destination_image, OffScreenWindowOptionsKit const &in_options)

Create an offscreen window of the given height and width with the specified options.

  • in_destination_image – An RGB or RGBA image definition that the offscreen window will be rendered to.
  • in_options – Options for the offscreen window.

An offscreen window key of the specified size using the specified options.

static OffScreenWindowKey CreateOffScreenWindow(ImageDefinition const &in_destination_image, Window::Driver in_driver = Window::Driver::Default3D)

Create an offscreen window with the specified driver. By default, Visualize will try to create an anti-alias capable driver.

  • in_destination_image – An RGB or RGBA image definition that the offscreen window will be rendered to.
  • in_driver – Type of driver Visualize should create. Defaults to Window::Driver::Default3D.

An offscreen window key of the specified size using the specified driver.

static OffScreenWindowKey CreateOffScreenWindow(unsigned int in_width, unsigned int in_height, OffScreenWindowOptionsKit const &in_options)

Create an offscreen window of the given height and width with the specified options.

  • in_width – Width of the offscreen window in pixels.
  • in_height – Height of the offscreen window in pixels.
  • in_options – Options for the offscreen window.

An offscreen window key of the specified size using the specified options.

static OffScreenWindowKey CreateOffScreenWindow(unsigned int in_width, unsigned int in_height, Window::Driver in_driver = Window::Driver::Default3D)

Create an offscreen window of the given height and width with the specified driver. By default Visualize will try to create an anti-alias capable driver.

  • in_width – Width of the offscreen window in pixels.
  • in_height – Height of the offscreen window in pixels.
  • in_driver – Type of driver Visualize should create. Defaults to Window::Driver::Default3D.

An offscreen window key of the specified size using the specified driver.

static PortfolioKey CreatePortfolio()

Create a new portfolio.

Returns:A new portfolio key.
static SegmentKey CreateRootSegment()

Create a new root segment, i.e., a segment without an owner.

Returns:A new root segment key.
static StandAloneWindowKey CreateStandAloneWindow(StandAloneWindowOptionsKit const &in_options)

Create a stand-alone window with the specified options.

Parameters:in_options – Options for the stand-alone window. Standalone windows are not supported on Android, iOS, or macOS as all GUI / windowing is controlled at the application level.
Returns:An stand-alone window key using the specified options.
static StandAloneWindowKey CreateStandAloneWindow(Window::Driver in_driver = Window::Driver::Default3D)

Create a stand-alone window with the specified driver. By default Visualize will try to create an anti-alias capable driver.

Parameters:in_driver – Type of driver Visualize should create. Defaults to Window::Driver::Default3D. Standalone windows are not supported on Android, iOS, or macOS as all GUI / windowing is controlled at the application level.
Returns:An stand-alone window key using the specified driver.
static PixelShaderKey DefinePixelShader()
static PixelShaderKey DefinePixelShader(PixelShaderKit const &in_kit)
static ShaderSamplerKey DefineShaderSampler(ShaderSamplerKit const &in_kit)

Allow to create a shader ShaderSampler from the parameters in the input kit

static ShaderTextureKey DefineShaderTexture(ShaderTextureKit const &in_kit)

Allow to create a shader ShaderTexture from the parameters in the input kit

static VertexShaderKey DefineVertexShader()
static VertexShaderKey DefineVertexShader(VertexShaderKit const &in_kit)
static void Execute(bool in_once = true)

This function will pump the stand-alone window event system once by default. If once is false then the calling thread will loop pumping events and will only return when the last window of any type exits.

Parameters:in_once – determines if the stand-alone events are pumped once or forever.
static bool GetErrorEventFilter(HPS::Info::Code in_code)

Provides the filter state of an ErrorEvent.

Parameters:in_code – The info code in to operate on.
Returns:If the specified code is filtered.
static EventDispatcher const &GetEventDispatcher()

Get the event dispatcher associated with the database. All database information, errors and warnings will be injected into this EventDispatcher.

Returns:The event dispatcher associated with the database.
static bool GetInformationEventFilter(HPS::Info::Code in_code)

Provides the filter state of an InformationEvent.

Parameters:in_code – The info code in to operate on.
Returns:If the specified code is filtered.
static PortfolioKey const GetMaterialLibraryPortfolio()

Get the material library portfolio. This is the portfolio which contains all relevant definitions for materials coming from the material library. It is provided to facilitate importing definitions from this portfolio, or to allow examination of the definitions in the portfolio. It should not be deleted, and if it is, the scene will not render correctly if a file was loaded which depended on the material library.

Returns:The material library portfolio.
static size_t GetOOCMemoryLimit()

Gets the byte limit used for OOC file loading.

Returns:The current value in bytes.
static PixelShaderKeyArray GetPixelShaders()

Get a list of all pixel shaders which are active (have been created but not deleted).

Returns:List of all currently active pixel shaders.
static PortfolioKeyArray GetPortfolios()

Get a list of all portfolios which are active (have been created but not deleted).

Returns:List of all currently active portfolios.
static SegmentKeyArray GetRootSegments()

Get a list of all root segments which are active (have been created but not deleted).

Returns:List of all currently active root segments.
static ShaderKeyArray GetShaders()

Get a list of all shader related objects which are active (have been created but not deleted).

Returns:List of all currently active shaders related objects.
static size_t GetSoftMemoryLimit()

Gets the value at which the EmergencyHandler will be activated for SoftMemoryLimit.

Returns:The current value in bytes.
static Time GetTime()

Queries the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Visualize started.

Returns:The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Visualize started.
static VertexShaderKeyArray GetVertexShaders()

Get a list of all vertex shaders which are active (have been created but not deleted).

Returns:List of all currently active vertex shaders.
static double GetVideoMemoryLimitRatio()

Gets the value at which HPS will stop added any display list to the VRAM. The default value is 0.9, or 90 percent of the physically available VRAM.

Returns:The current value expressed as a ratio of VRAM used/total VRAM available. Valid values are [0..1]..
static bool GetWarningEventFilter(HPS::Info::Code in_code)

Provides the filter state of a WarningEvents.

Parameters:in_code – The info code in to operate on.
Returns:If the specified code is filtered.
static WindowKeyArray GetWindowKeys()

Get a list of all windows (application, stand-alone, and offscreen) which are active (have been created but not deleted).

Returns:List of all currently active windows.
static bool IsDriverAvailable(HPS::Window::Driver in_driver)

Checks whether the specified driver type is present and available for use.

Parameters:in_driver – the driver type to check availability for.
Returns:Whether the driver is available or not.
static void RelinquishMemory()

Relinquish any internally cached memory to the system. This can reduce performance and stability if overused. If your application inserts or removes items from the Visualize database continuously, this function should not be used, even as a means of ‘obtaining more memory’ for the application. Otherwise, Visualize will simply allocate more memory from the operating system. This is slower than using its built in memory manager to allocate from its currently available memory pool. However, if you have a case where database interactions have perhaps reached a point of stabilization (for example, a model is loaded and has been interacted with already, and no other operations are going to incur extra memory usage), this function could prove useful by having Visualize free up its unused portion of allocated memory.

Note that you can track Visualize’s current memory usage by calling HPS::Database::ShowMemoryUsage.

static void Reset()

Performs a complete reset of the Visualize database. All segments are deleted and all window displays are terminated. This will leave all keys, controls, and dispatchers invalid. Kits are preserved. This can never be called from inside an event handler.

It may be appropriate to call this method if your application doesn’t need to use Visualize for a while.

static size_t SelectByRay(Point const &in_start_point, Vector const &in_direction, SelectionOptionsKit const &in_options, SelectionResults &out_results)

Performs an object space selection by ray starting at the specified segment using the specified selection options. This method can only select faceted geometry - not subentities.

  • in_start_point – Start point of ray.
  • in_direction – Direction vector for ray.
  • in_optionsSelection options to use when performing the selection.
  • out_results – Results of the selection.

Number of selected items.

static size_t SelectByShell(ShellKey const &in_shell, SelectionOptionsKit const &in_options, SelectionResults &out_results)

Performs an object space selection by shell starting at the specified segment using the specified selection options. This method can only select faceted geometry.

  • in_shellShell in the database to use to perform the selection.
  • in_optionsSelection options to use when performing the selection.
  • out_results – Results of the selection.

Number of selected items.

static size_t SelectByShell(ShellKit const &in_shell, SelectionOptionsKit const &in_options, SelectionResults &out_results)

Performs an object space selection by shell starting at the specified segment using the specified selection options. This method can only select faceted geometry.

  • in_shellShell to use to perform the selection.
  • in_optionsSelection options to use when performing the selection.
  • out_results – Results of the selection.

Number of selected items.

static size_t SelectByVolume(SimpleCuboid const &in_volume, SelectionOptionsKit const &in_options, SelectionResults &out_results)

Performs an object space selection by volume starting at the specified segment using the specified selection options. If the volume is invalid, i.e., min > max for any component, an exception will be thrown.

  • in_volume – Volume to use when performing the selection.
  • in_optionsSelection options to use when performing the selection.
  • out_results – Results of the selection.

Number of selected items.

static void SetEmergencyHandler(HPS::EmergencyHandler const &in_emergency_handler)

Sets a custom EmergencyHandler.

Parameters:in_emergency_handler – The EmergencyHandler to use.
static bool SetErrorEventFilter(HPS::Info::Code in_code, bool in_filtered)

Sets if a specific code for ErrorEvent should be filtered.

  • in_code – The info code in to operate on.
  • in_filtered – The new filter state desired.

The old value for the specified code.

static bool SetInformationEventFilter(HPS::Info::Code in_code, bool in_filtered)

Sets if a specific code for InformationEvent should be filtered.

  • in_code – The info code in to operate on.
  • in_filtered – The new filter state desired.

The old value for the specified code.

static size_t SetOOCMemoryLimit(size_t in_limit_bytes)

Sets the byte limit used for OOC file loading. A limit of zero bytes restores the default value.

Parameters:in_limit_bytes – The new limit value in bytes.
Returns:The old value in bytes.
static size_t SetSoftMemoryLimit(size_t in_limit_bytes)

Sets the value at which the EmergencyHandler will be activated for SoftMemoryLimit.

Parameters:in_limit_bytes – The new limit value in bytes.
Returns:The old value in bytes.
static double SetVideoMemoryLimitRatio(double in_limit_ratio)

Sets the value at which HPS will stop added any display list to the VRAM. The default value is 0.9 or 90 percent of the physically available VRAM.

Parameters:in_limit_ratio – The new limit value expressed as a ratio of VRAM used/total VRAM available. Valid values are [0..1].
Returns:The old value as a [0..1] ratio.
static bool SetWarningEventFilter(HPS::Info::Code in_code, bool in_filtered)

Sets if a specific code for WarningEvent should be filtered.

  • in_code – The info code in to operate on.
  • in_filtered – The new filter state desired.

The old value for the specified code.

static bool ShowAvailableGPUs(HPS::UTF8Array &out_available_gpus)

Returns a list of the names of the GPUs available on the system. This function is only available if DirectX11 is supported on your device. If DirectX11 is not supported the function will return false and out_available_gpus will be empty.

Parameters:out_available_gpus – the names of the GPU available on the system.
Returns:Whether Visualize could obtain a list of available GPUs.
static void ShowMemoryUsage(size_t &out_allocated, size_t &out_used)

Returns information about system memory usage.

It may be useful to know how much memory Visualize is using to store graphical information. Visualize utilizes its own internal memory manager. It generally allocates memory in large chunks from the operating system, then parcels the chunks out as needed by the database. Upon entity deletion, Visualize will keep some cached information, as well as the chunks of memory associated with the deleted items, effectively ‘recycling’ them. Allocated memory indicates the total size of all chunks; used memory indicates the amount that’s currently parceled out.

The memory usage information is also useful during debugging - you might be able to use it to determine if your program (or perhaps Visualize) is “leaking” memory - for example, not cleaning up the segment tree properly after a procedure is finished.

Some changes and deletions in the database might cause immediate changes in the memory usage statistics, while others might be delayed until after the next update.

Because of the nature of Visualize’s built-in memory allocation methods, only a call to HPS::Database::RelinquishMemory or HPS::Database::Reset can clean up memory that has been allocated but not used and return it to the operating system. However, HPS::Database::RelinquishMemory should be used with care, so be sure to review the documentation.

  • out_allocated – Total bytes currently allocated from the OS.
  • out_used – Total bytes currently in use by the database.
static void Sleep(Time milliseconds)

Sleep for the number of milliseconds requested.

static void Synchronize()

Synchronizes the database, guaranteeing that all queued actions and updates have been performed.

static void UnsetEmergencyHandler()

Sets the default EmergencyHandler.