Detailed Description
struct A3DRWParamsTranslateToPkPartsData
A structure that specifies parameters used to translate the model file or a representation item into an open Parasolid session.
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Public Members
A3DETranslateToPkPartsHealing m_eHealing
Enum to control healing.
A3DETranslateToPkPartsAccurate m_eComputeAccurateEdges
Enum to control accurate edge computation.
A3DETranslateToPkPartsSimplifyGeometry m_eSimplifyGeometry
Simplify geometry and topology.
A3DETranslateToPkPartsMergeEntities m_eMergeEntities
Merge: remove redundant entities (edges/surfaces).
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcPSBodyShopPath
Path to PSBodyshop DLL.
Necessary for simplify and merge options.
A3DMiscPKMapper **m_pMapper
This pointer is set by Exchange. If set to null, the mapper will be allocated and populated for the first time. If the mapper has already been allocated and the pointer isn’t null, the mapper will be filled with new elements. It can be deleted by .\version 9.0
A3DUns32 m_uiNbProc
MultiProcess operation.
Use in A3DAsmModelFileTranslateToPkParts
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