HOOPS Exchange 2025.1.0

Technology Update

Format Updates

Format Updated Version
Parasolid 14.0 (Export)
Solid Edge 2025
SolidWorks 2025

See File Formats for the list of all supported formats.

Third-Party Libraries Updates

Below third-party libraries have been updated:

Library New Version
libexpat 2.6.2

For more information about package content, see Distributing Your Application.

Platform Changes

HOOPS Exchange support has now been extended to Linux on ARM64 (ARMv8-A). The minimum supported OS is RHEL 8 with Devtoolset 9.

See our Supported Platforms page for details.


As of HOOPS Exchange 2025.1.0, the automatic inclusion of the hoops_license.h header file from HOOPS Exchange headers has been removed. This change, first introduced as a deprecation in 2024.7.0, is now mandatory and in full effect.

Key Changes

  • The HOOPS_LICENSE macro is no longer automatically defined unless hoops_license.h is explicitly included.
  • Developers are required to explicitly include hoops_license.h, manually define the HOOPS_LICENSE macro, or pass the license key directly in their code when initializing HOOPS Exchange via the function A3DLicPutUnifiedLicense().

To initialize HOOPS Exchange correctly, the A3DLicPutUnifiedLicense() function expects a C-string value containing your license information. You may either directly pass this value in parameter or explicitly include hoops_license.h to get access to the HOOPS_LICENSE macro.

For more details, please refer to our Initializing HOOPS Exchange guide and our /tutorials/environment-setup tutorial.

Other Changes

Documentation Changes

The documentation has been extended to provide a detailed overview of the recently introduced C# API. This new API layer enables developers to integrate HOOPS Exchange functionality using C# for enhanced flexibility and platform support.

For more information on this new API, please refer to the following resources:


The deprecated symbols have been renamed and moved to the new A3DSDKDeprecated.h header.

The A3DSDKDraw.h header has been removed. For more information, see Extending HOOPS Exchange.

Package Changes

From-the-vault package removal

The “from-the-vault” package which used to contain unsupported formats like Lattice XVL, has been removed from the standard delivered packages. If you are interested in those formats and require the package, please reach out to our Support team.

DLL name change (Unix)

On Unix platforms, the name of HOOPS Exchange library files has changed to conform better to usual naming standards:

  • GNU/Linux: libA3DLIBS-25.1.0.so is changed to libA3DLIBS.so.25.1.0. libA3DLIBS.so is still provided and is now a symlink to the new file name.
  • macOS: libA3DLIBS-25.1.0.dylib is changed to libA3DLIBS.25.1.0.dylib. libA3DLIBS.dylib is still provided and is now a symlink to the new file name.

For more information about package files, see Distributing Your Application.

New DLL for Evaluators

A new DLL called a3dttd.dll has been introduced in the HOOPS Exchange package. This DLL is a pre-requisite to initalize HOOPS Exchange with a trial license. The DLL is not required while initializing HOOPS Exchange with long term perpetual license. The DLL is used to collect telemetry data useful for improving user experience. More information can be found here.

Fixed Bugs

Issue Description
SDHE-22190 Fixed issue with missing points in DWG file import
SDHE-22105 Fixed issue in getting the File Units with the API A3DAsmModelFileGetUnit().
SDHE-22014 Improved the import time required for Creo files with DXF elements
SDHE-21970 Fixed issue with import time of specific CATIA part
SDHE-21917 Fixed issue with PMI visibility in some configurations from SolidWork files
SDHE-21890 Improved handling of hidden Creo bodies
SDHE-21839 Improved support of Tolerance types in STEP Import
SDHE-21836 Improved support of Tolerance types in STEP Import
SDHE-21787 STEP PMI loading in TcVis (JT)
SDHE-21748 Fixed lost status of surfaces in Creo
SDHE-21639 Improved handling of hidden Creo bodies
SDHE-21509 Issue with Attribute Loss During Exchange Parsing
SDHE-21230 Fixed issue with lost Textures during GLB export
SDHE-20398 Improved handling of hidden Creo bodies
SDHE-20139 Improved algorithm to have accurate STEP file generation for a given ACIS file.
SDHE-19533 Improved SAT to STEP file conversion.
SDHE-19048 Improved SAT to STEP file conversion.
SDHE-18236 Fixed issue in STEP export when similar material from JT files were merged.
SDHE-12337 Fixed error while exporting SLW to SAT