HOOPS Exchange 2023 SP2 U1

Format Updates

Format Updated Version
NX 2306 (2023 Jun.)
JT 10.9

See File Formats for the list of all supported formats.

New API for Mesh Access

We’re introducing a major enhancement aimed at making the process of retrieving meshes and geometry simpler in Exchange. This enhancement provides developers with a refined approach for accessing geometric data, streamlining the creation and manipulation of models.

The addition includes:

More to Come

This addition is part of a bigger initiative that will add more higher level features in our API to provide you with common application-level use cases without masking the underlying set of functions.

Support for C#

This new release comes with the addition of a C# overlay.

For more information, see C# API Primer.

Fixed Bugs

The list of fixed bugs can be found on the fixed bugs page.