HOOPS Exchange 2017 SP2

Format Updates

Format Updated Version
CATIA V5 V5_6R2017
Inventor Inventor 2018
Parasolid v30
ACIS 2017.1 (R27)


Faceted geometry import. HOOPS Exchange can import Parasolid files (v28.1 to v30.0) with faceted data. (Our Parasolid connector is not mandatory.)

Faceted geometry export. Our Parasolid connector can export tessellated data into Parasolid. This new capability allows users to:

  • Re-use faceted data from STL, IFC, VRML, U3D or CGR files directly in Parasolid.
  • Load faceted data into Parasolid for specific assembly nodes where no B-rep is available. This is particularly useful for certain data types in native CAD files, such as:
    • Assembly-level features
    • Creo family tables
    • Missing files in SolidWorks assemblies

iOS Platform Parasolid Export. The HOOPS Exchange iOS package can now export data into Parasolid.

Healing Performance. Healing performance in the Parasolid connector has been improved by a factor of 2 (when compared to the 2017 SP1 release).


Export to IGES is now available on the iOS platform.


HOOPS Exchange users can now:

  • Export to Step on the iOS platform.
  • Export tessellated Geometry into AP242. This includes tessellated solids, shells, wires, and point sets.
  • Export to STPZ (compressed Step file)
  • Export the following file attributes: User Name, Organization Name, and Authorization Name

Semantic PMI (Import / Export) Enhancements. It’s now possible to:

  • Manage geometric tolerance with Maximum Tolerance on GD&T.
  • Manage shape representation with a new parameter on Datum Target.



By default, there are no units in an STL file. Previously, HOOPS Exchange assumed that the generated STL file would use the initial CAD model unit. There is now an option to force the implicit unit used. See A3DRWParamsExportStlData for more details.

ASCII/Binary Naming Differences

For ASCII files, Exchange reads all solids and saves them as separate bodies, using the name field from “solid” as the body name. For binary files, Exchange now uses the header field as the body name.