HOOPS Exchange 2018 SP1

Format Updates

Format Updated Version
CATIA V5 V5_6R2018
NX 12
Parasolid v30.1
ACIS 2018 (R28)
Rhino 6



A C++ interface has been added for HOOPS Exchange. This is the first release of this interface and it should be considered as a fully supported pre-release of the code. One of the first main use cases for the C++ interface is to enable and allow the update of a HOOPS Exchange version without having to recompile your application. This C++ API will continue to be developed in future releases to make it easier to develop and build your application. Please see the Getting Started with the C++ API section for more information.

Collision Detection

Functionality (A3DCollisionCompute()) has been added to determine if there is interference (clashes) between parts within an assembly. (This is a static clash detection.) As well as detecting interference, the function will be able to check the clearance of parts for a given clearance distance and also if the part is completely enclosed within the other part.

Bounding Box Computation

A new function (A3DMiscComputeBoundingBox()) is included to calculate the bounding box for a representation item, product occurrence, and model file.

Functionality Enhancements


Support for SolidWorks Virtual Components. A Virtual Component is a component that is embedded inside the assembly file rather than being an external reference.


Improved the support and handling of very large assemblies.


Improved the quality of the default view.


JT views have been improved to fix exploded view problems.


Notification about the :func:`A3DMiscReferenceOnTopologyCreate` function. Creating a A3DMiscReferenceOnTopologyData on tessellated entities will not be supported.