HOOPS Exchange 2020 SP2

Format Updates

Format Updated Version
ACIS 2020
CATIA V5-R2020
JT 10.3
Inventor 2021


The support of Creo 7 is under process and our team is doing its maximum to release it in a short period of time.

CATIA V5 cylindrical and spherical textures

CATIA V5 now supports textures with planar, cylindrical and spherical projection modes. For the textures to be loaded, they must be located aside the model file within the file system.

See also

New reading option for CATIA V5

It is now possible to decide whether materials are read or not upon reading a CATIA V5 file. By setting the option A3DRWParamsCatiaV5Data.m_bUseMaterialRendering to A3D_TRUE the rendering will use the materials. This is the same as rendering with the option “Shaded with Materials” set within CATIA V5.

See also

Creo 4 boolean operations

We added the support for assembly-level boolean operations available from Creo 4 and later.

See also