Detailed Description
struct A3DCompareOutputData
A3DCompareOutputData structure that contains result data of A3DCompareFaces or A3DCompareFacesInBrepModels.
- Version
Public Members
A3DUns32 m_uiOldFaceSize
The size of m_pOldFace and m_pOldFaceMatch.
A3DTopoFace **m_pOldFace
Array of old faces.
A3DBool *m_pOldFaceMatch
Array of old status: true means every point of this face matches a face of the other group.
A3DUns32 m_uiNewFaceSize
The size of m_pNewFace and m_pNewFaceMatch.
A3DTopoFace **m_pNewFace
Array of new faces.
A3DBool *m_pNewFaceMatch
Array of new status: true means every point of this face matches a face of the other group.
A3DRiSet *m_pResultRiSet
RiSet containing the resulting data: faces with different colors according to their status.
and also faceted data that represents subparts of the original faces to better understand what’s different between the two groups.
A3DAsmModelFile *m_pResultAsmModeFile
An A3DAsmModelFile that contains the previous RiSet.
The user can directly export it to PRC for example