Detailed Description
struct A3DAsmProductOccurrenceDataUg
A structure specifying the product occurrence data specific to the Ug (i.e.
NX) format
- Version
Public Members
A3DUTF8Char *m_psRootFilePath
Unique ID : to be sure incremental loading is ok, we need the same root assembly file with same timestamp.
Otherwise : must reload all.
A3DUTF8Char *m_psFileName
For UG, the actual path is deduced from this value (which is in the file) and then a wise combination of research paths.
A3DUTF8Char *m_psInstanceFileName
The name of the file of the instance.
A3DUTF8Char *m_psRefSet
The name of the reference set that we have loaded.
A3DUTF8Char *m_psPartUID
The unique identifier of the part, like “7675238f-0b59-4222-9895-f9dd552f4e46”.
A3DPromotedBodyUg *m_asPromotedBodies
Array of A3DPromotedBodyUg.
List the promoted bodies for this assembly level.
A3DElementsByRefsetUg *m_asChildrenByRefsets
Array of A3DElementsByRefsetUg.
m_auiElements corresponds to the A3DAsmProductOccurrenceDataUg::m_uiInstanceTag of the direct children PO that are included in this RefSet. If the list is empty (m_uiChildrenByRefsetsSize==0), then all children PO should be included. Excluded PO will be flagged as suppressed, and will have the Reference Set “Empty” (as in NX software)
A3DElementsByRefsetUg *m_asSolidsByRefsets
Array of A3DElementsByRefsetUg.
m_auiElements corresponds to the persistent IDs of Representation Items that are included in this RefSet.