Detailed Description
struct A3DAsmPartDefinitionData
A structure that specifies the part definition data.
- Version
Public Members
A3DBoundingBoxData m_sBoundingBox
Bounding box.
A3DUns32 m_uiRepItemsSize
The size of m_ppRepItems.
A3DRiRepresentationItem **m_ppRepItems
Representation items stored under current Part definition.
A3DUns32 m_uiAnnotationsSize
The size of m_ppAnnotations.
A3DMkpAnnotationEntity **m_ppAnnotations
Annotation entities stored under current Part definition.
A3DMkpView **m_ppViews
Views stored under current Part definition.
A3DUns32 m_uiDrawingModelsSize
The size of m_ppDrawingModels.
Must be set to zero.
A3DDrawingModel **m_ppDrawingModels
Drawings stored under current Part definition.