JT Writer

The JT writer allows developers to export the Assembly, B-rep, View data from Exchange to JT. The file extensions that you can create when you export the data are:

  • .JT

As of 2019, HOOPS Exchange supports export to JT 10.


The assembly structure including coloring and transformations will be exported to the JT file. Instances are currently replaced by object copy. The export is currently to a single monolithic file.


When we export the B-rep it will always be in Parasolid B-rep. If the format was not a Parasolid-based format then all surfaces get mapped to one of the following:

  • B-spline surface

  • Cone

  • Cylinder

  • Plane

  • Sphere

  • Revolution surface

  • Swept surface

  • Torus

…and curves to one of the following:

  • 3D curve

  • Circle

  • Ellipse

  • Line

  • UV curve

If the source data was originally XT then HOOPS Exchange will take that data and use it for the B-rep definition.


The tessellation is exported in a lossless, compressed format.


We do not currently support Views in the export of this format


All supported PMI is exported to one of the following types.

  • Datum feature symbol

  • Dimension

  • GD&T

  • Generic PMI

  • MeasurementLocator

  • MeasurementPoint

  • Note

  • Surface finish (roughness)

  • Weld


The JT files we generate are version 8.1 or 9.5.

Export Options Specific to JT

Export options specific to JT can be found on the A3DRWParamsExportJTData reference page. The option m_bWriteWireframe from A3DRWParamsExportJTData allows to export wireframe tessellation (this option is set to false by default).


The current limitations include:

  • No support for parametric wireframe representations

  • PMI text is exported in tessellated form

  • No support of texture, light, or shader data

  • Instances are currently exported as a part copy