C# Bindings

The C# Bindings layer provides seamless access to the HOOPS Exchange C API, ensuring developers can use the API effectively in a C# environment. This Direct API is defined within the Exchange.Direct namespace and its definitions are located in the following files:

Direct Memory Layout Compatibility;
Call Bindings
1:1 Mapping to the C API;
Constant Values and Enumerators
Predefined values for communicating with HOOPS Exchange API.
Integral Numeric Types
Base numeric types corresponding to C API Type Definitions.


Bindings to the C structures are provided using C# structs. All C# structures have the same name as their C counterparts and are located inside the Direct namespace.

All fields of a structure are initialized with the default values of their respective types. Since HOOPS Exchange requires specific values, use API.Initialize to prepare the structure:

A3DRWParamsExportXMLData export_params;
API.Initialize(out export_params);

export_params.m_bExportMetadata                   = true;
export_params.m_bExportTransformations            = true;
export_params.m_bExportColorMaterial              = true;
export_params.m_bExportProductInformationByFormat = false;

To see how numeric types are mapped between C and C#, refer to Integral Numeric Types. See also C# Array Wrapper about manipulating C-style arrays.

The C# structures ensure a direct mapping to their C equivalent. Thus, all structures are defined with LayoutKind.Sequential and CharSet.Ansi layout attributes. This allows a reference to a C# structure instance to be interpreted as a pointer to its C equivalent.

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public unsafe struct A3DRWParamsExportXMLData
    // ...

Note that the bindings structures directly requires an unsafe context.

Call Bindings

Like structures, all functions from the C API are available in C# via the Direct.API namespace.

The following example shows how to call the A3DAsmModelFileExportToXMLFile function:

public static A3DStatus ExportToXml(IntPtr modelFile, string outputFile)
    A3DRWParamsExportXMLData export_params;
    API.Initialize(out export_params);

    export_params.m_bExportMetadata                   = true;
    export_params.m_bExportTransformations            = true;
    export_params.m_bExportColorMaterial              = true;
    export_params.m_bExportProductInformationByFormat = false;

    uint   mapSize    = 0;
    IntPtr mapXmlIds  = IntPtr.Zero;
    IntPtr mapPo      = IntPtr.Zero;

    return API.A3DAsmModelFileExportToXMLFile(
        ref export_params,
        out mapSize,
        out mapXmlIds,
        out mapPo
  • Parameter types are translated to C# types (see Integral Numeric Types).
  • The C# string type can be passed directly as a function parameter, as it is marshaled using UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str.
  • All entities handle types, such as A3DAsmModelFile*, are passed as IntPtr.
  • Data types, such as A3DRWParamsExportXMLData are passed using ref. This allows the C binaries to interpret them as C structure pointers.
  • Write parameters are passed to the functions using out keyword.

All C# functions are declared as function delegates that are assigned upon loading the library. These delegate functions are located in the all-static API class under the Direct namespace:

public class API
    // ...

    public delegate A3DStatus PFA3DAsmModelFileExportToXMLFile(
        IntPtr                                    pA3DAsmModelFile,
        ref A3DRWParamsExportXMLData              pParamsExportData,
        string                                    pcXMLFileName,
        out uint                                  uMapSize,
        out IntPtr                                puMapXmlIds,
        out IntPtr                                ppMapProductOccurrences

    public static PFA3DAsmModelFileExportToXMLFile A3DAsmModelFileExportToXMLFile = null;

Constant Values

Constant values exposed by the HOOPS Exchange C API are available in C# through the Direct.Constant static class. This includes constants passed as structure fields, function parameters or returns from function calls:

A3DHLRCurveData curve_data;
API.Initialize(out curve_data);

curve_data.m_cType = Constants.A3D_HLR_TYPE_SECTION;


All enumerator types are available under the Direct namespace and can be used the same way as in the C API:

A3DRWParamsExportJTData export_data;
A3D_INITIALIZE_DATA(A3DRWParamsExportJTData, export_data);

export_data.m_eJTVersion         = kA3DE_JT95;
export_data.m_eWriteGeomTessMode = kA3DWriteGeomAndTess;

Integral Numeric Types

HOOPS Exchange C API typedefs map to standard integral numeric types in C#.

The table below provides the mapping between these types:

HE C Types C# Notes
A3DBool bool Can be either true or false
A3DPtr IntPtr Integer large enough to hold a pointer
A3DVoid void  
A3DInt8 byte Unsigned 8-bit integer
A3DInt16 short Signed 16-bit integer
A3DUint16 ushort Unsigned 16-bit integer
A3DInt32 int Signed 32-bit integer
A3DUns32 uint Unsigned 32-bit integer

For more information about manipulating C-style arrays using the C# bindings API, see C# Array Wrapper.


This section introduced the core C# Bindings layer of the HOOPS Exchange API, providing a direct mapping to the C API. With access to functions, structures, enumerations, and constants, this layer forms the foundation for CAD data manipulation in C#.

By understanding how to use this layer—such as structure initialization, function invocation, and type mappings—you can confidently work with the low-level elements of HOOPS Exchange. This knowledge is essential for building robust CAD applications and serves as a stepping stone to exploring higher-level abstractions provided in subsequent sections, like the Library Loader and Wrapper Classes.