




Detailed Description

class CDPResultValueGroup

The results for either a node or element group.

For per node results, these are results for a corresponding node group.

For per element, per element node or per element surface results, these are results for a corresponding element group.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~CDPResultValueGroup()
virtual void setResults(const cdp_double_t *resultValueArr, cdp_size_t valueDimension, cdp_size_t valueCount) = 0

Sets the results for this group.

Use this method to specify the results for the node/element group.

The size of resultValueArr is valueDimension * valueCount.

For per node (CDP_PER_NODE) results, you must specify one value (1 or more components per value depending on the dimension of the result) for each node in the associated node group.

For per element (CDP_PER_ELEMENT), element node (CDP_PER_ELEMENT_NODE) or element surface results (CDP_PER_ELEMENT_SURFACE), you must specify one value (1 or more components per value depending on the dimension of the result) for each element, element node or element surface in the associated element group.