HOOPS Communicator 2021

HOOPS Communicator 2021 is based on HOOPS Visualize 2021, HOOPS Exchange 2021, and HOOPS Publish 2021.


New Measure Operators

  • Area of a polygon on a plane
  • Angle between two lines
  • Total distance of a polyline
  • Distance between two points

Reduced file size from DWG conversions. Text outlines are now rendered in the Web Viewer, rather than stored in the Stream Cache file after conversion. This results in a smaller Stream Cache file.

New performance flag added to Converter. A new flag has been added to Converter named --sc_editable with a default value of False. If set to True, two copies of the mesh data will be generated: one for streaming and another for editing. In previous versions, this was the default behavior.

Only set this flag to True if you intend to edit the mesh data.

3MF Import and version 2.0 now supported. HOOPS Communicator 2021 now supports 3MF formats up to version 2.0 and can read (Import) the file format in addition to write (Export).

Fixed bugs

Issue number Description
37300 Unable to set bold, italic for text in libsc.
37010 Converter fails to convert HSF to SCZ.
36591 Converter fails for SolidWorks assemblies with umlauts in the name.
33160 Missing text when converting DXF/DWG to PNG.
SDHC-17893 All sheets become visible by resetNodesVisibility.
SDHC-17848 SC size created from DWG becomes large and cannot be loaded in Web Viewer.
SDHC-17854 Graphics objects disappear while zoom-in.
SDHC-8287 Remove NotePin causing error when viewer shutdown.
SDHC-8275 Markup view color map.
SDHC-8230 OnDemand Streaming Mode not working properly.
SDHC-8196 Navcube and axis triad are unable to turn visible without loading a file first into web viewer.