Converter Application
The HOOPS Converter is a stand-alone application located in the bin directory of the HOOPS Communicator package.
Options come in the form --optname=VALUE
or --optname VALUE
where optname
is one of the options listed in this page.
corresponds to a boolean value, it can either be any of true/True/1 or false/False/0.
The command-line interface accepts the following options.
Command Line Options
Deprecated: Use --export_exchange_ids
If true, the font provided to
is used for all PMI text. When set but--substitution_font
is false, the first font available on the system is used.If false, the font provided to
is only used when the font set in the input CAD model is not available.Default: false Example: --always_substitute_font true
.See also: --substitution_font
An RGB triplet which defines the window background color for the image and 3D PDF export. The provided color must be a comma-separated list of floating point values.
Example: Red: --background-color 1.0,0.0,0.0
.Default: “0,0,0” (Black).
Name of the configuration to load. Or if
is used, tells the one that is activeSee also: - Configurations documentation.
A bit field value that allows you to set currently unpublished options. Please note that these options are not guaranteed to be supported in future releases. Use this option only when specifically provided by the Tech Soft 3D support group.
Decode an obfuscated license key and quit the program.
Default: false
Control what to import from drawing files. The value can be one of 0 (3D only), 1 (Drawings only) or 2 (both).
Default: 1 Example: --drawings_mode 2
See also: Communicator for BIM documentation.
If true, then exchange ids are computed and exported.
Default: false
If true, force capping meshes to be created even if source data contains non-manifold geometry.
Default: false
If true, Level of Details (LOD) versions of all Brep bodies are generated (low, medium and high).
Print help message and quit immediately.
If true, opening elements in the CAD File are imported.
Default: false
If true, relationships set in an IFC CAD file are imported.
Default: true
If true, hidden objects in the CAD file are imported.
Default: false
Name of input file to convert.
The provided path can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.
Example: --input "C:\temp\Axle.CATPart
The name of the HTML file that is used as a template for the exported self contained HTML document. This template file must contain a specific string to receive the model data.
If no template is specified for an HTML export, the conversion fails.
See also: Monolithic HTML Export documentation.
The name of the PDF file that is used as a template for the exported PDF. In order to export the 3D model to the PDF this file needs to contain a Button Field labeled My3DWindow1 which is replaced with the 3D Model.
If no template is specified for a PDF export, the conversion fails.
See also: --output_pdf
A comma-separated list of directories to search for texture loading.
The name of a file which contains a series of command line options that should be executed in succession.
If you are using this approach then the only other option you need to provide is a license key. A sample file called sample_batch.xml is included in the authoring/converter/example directory.
See also: XML Batch Conversion documentation.
Name of shattered XML file describing an assembly hierarchy indexing individual part-level SC models.
See also: Creating a master SC model section.
One of: 0 (Low), 1 (Medium) and 2 (High).
Default: 2.
Your license key.
You must set either
for HOOPS Converter to operate properly, otherwise, the program fails.See also: - License Key documentation.
- License key section.
Path to a text file containing your license key. The file must contain only the license key without quote or blanks.
You must set either
for HOOPS Converter to operate properly, otherwise, the program fails.See also: - License Key documentation.
- License key section.
If set, loads all the available configurations
See also: - Configurations documentation.
List of key value pairs for modifying text fields in the supplied PDF template separated by $$.
Example: --modify_pdf_text_field_list=Filename$$Part.CatPart$$FileType$$CatiaModel
Name of the output file for a 3MF output.
Example: --output_3mf C:/temp/output.3mf
Name of the output configuration file.
If you provide a configuration filename, Converter creates a file which lists all the product configurations in the input file.
See also: - Configurations documentation.
Name of the output dependencies file.
Path to output directory.
Name of the output file for a HSF output.
Example: --output_hsf C:/temp/output.hsf
Name of the output file for a HTML output.
Example: --output_html C:/temp/output.html
Name of the output file for a JT output.
Example: --output_jt C:/temp/output.jt
Name of the log file where HOOPS Converter writes error and warning messages in addition, to using stdout and stderr for logging.
Message Format
The output message has the following format:
[DATE TIME D:# PID:# M:# R:#]LEVEL CODE: Message
.- DATE uses
format. - TIME uses
format. - D: milliseconds passed since begining of last block (blocks are stacked).
- PID: Process ID.
- M: Current memory usage in Mb.
- R: Current sequence. Only applied to batch conversions.
- LEVEL: Log level. Can be one of INFO, WARNING or ERROR.
- CODE: Optional internal error code for diagnostic purposes.
Example: [02/20/2013 14-04-38-205 D:097890 PID:1252 M:415MB R:0]INFO: Parsing PRC done
- DATE uses
Name of output measurement data file.
Name of the output model info file.
If you provide an model info filename, Converter creates a file which provides general information about the conversion process of the input file. This can be used as a debugging tool.
Name of output PDF file.
See also: --input_pdf_template_file
Name of output PNG file.
Dimensions for the output PNG image. The argument must be formatted as WxH where W is the width and H the height in pixels.
Example: –output_png_resolution=240x240 Default: 640x480
Name of output PRC file.
Full path of SC Model to generate.
This option recursively deletes all existing files in the target directory.
See also: - Stream Cache Workflows documentation.
Full path of SC Model generated from shattered XML Input File.
See also: - Stream Cache Workflows documentation.
Full path of SCS file to generate.
Name of output STEP file.
Name of output STL file.
Name of Assembly tree xml file associated with the imported model.
See also: XML Assembly Tree documentation.
Name of output XML BOM file.
Name of output XT file.
Explicitly set the camera to be used for image export.
The values are set in a comma-separated list as follows: positionX,positionY,positionZ,targetX,targetY,targetZ,upX,upY,upZ,cameraFieldX,cameraFieldY,projection.
All values except ‘projection’ are floating point numbers. Only the comma character
must separate the values passed in (no blanks).The ‘projection’ field can be a either ‘orthographic’ or ‘perspective’.
Example: --png_camera_explicit "-100,50,-300,-100,50,0,0,1,0,1500,1500,orthographic"
Sets the camera for image export to be a preset camera view.
The value can be any of the following:
Example: --png_camera_standard Iso
The preset can be set and any combination of Front/Back, Top/Bottom and Left/Right.
Example: --png_camera_standard TopBackRight
--png_camera_standard Bottom
--png_camera_standard LeftTop
Names are case insentitive.
HOOPS Communicator 2015 Camera Presets
Any of iso2015, none2015, xy, yx, xz, zx, yz, zy.
Control whether or not the exported PNG contains PMI.
Default: true
Fit the camera for image export tightly around the scene’s geometry.
Default: false
Set to 0 for HOOPS Communicator 2015 Lighting mode. Set to any other value for HOOPS Communicator 2016 and newer.
Default: 1
Set the rendering mode used when exporting a PNG thumbnail.
Can be any of ShadedWithLines, Shaded, or HiddenLine.
Default: ShadedWithLines
PNG is exported using a transparent background.
Default: false
Set the PRC Brep compression in _mm_. Can be any of:
- 0: No compression
- 1: 0.01mm
- 2: 0.1mm
If any unsupported value is set, the compression is disabled (0).
Default: 0 (No compression)
Space-separated lists of directories where additional fonts are searched for.
Example: --prc_font_directories="C:\fonts C:\otherfonts"
Remove the Brep from PRC and PDF exports. This may be important to protect intellectual property.
Default: false.
Apply a lossless algorithm to reduce the size of the 3D stream inside the PDF/PRC document.
Default: false
Specify a directory to put shattered parts models into.
When set to true, an individual part-level SC model is created per part.
See also: - Creating the shattered parts section.
Specifies a directory to put shattered parts models into.
When set to true, an individual part level SCS files is created per part.
If set to true, the XML file needed to build master assembly file from shattered data, is created.
See also: - Creating the shattered parts section.
Import the geometry alongside the tessellation.
Default: true. Note
forces this option to true.
Import wireframe geometry.
Default: true
Read the physical properties from the input Revit file.
When set to 1, the physical properties are computed upon reading and stored as attributes. 0 disables the computation.
Default: 0
Deprecated: Use --sc_create_scz
instead.Setting this option to true is the same as setting both
to true.
Compress output .scz files.
Default: true.
See also: - SCZ section.
Set the output model as editable. This is only available for SCZ outputs.
Default: false for uncompressed SCZ output, true otherwise.
Set compression strategy that is used to compress large meshes and images.
Can be any of 0 (Fast), 1 (Default), and 2 (Strong). Setting any other value defaults to 1.
Default: 1
Define nodes where bounding boxes are computed. Values: All/Leaves/None Default: None.
Add triangle edges to the model. Line edges are added based on the following criteria:
.Note: This options forces --sc_discard_lines=true
.Default: false Note
This feature is currently unsupported for shattered mode.
Set the minimum angle in degrees between two triangle normals that adds a line to their connecting edge.
The expected value is a floating point number within the range [0.0 ; 180.0]. Setting to 0.0 adds everyline while 180.0 prevents any line to be added. Any other value is clamped within the range [0.0 ; 180.0].
Defaut: 50.0.
, set the maximum angle in degrees between two adjacent lines that causes the lines to join into a single polyline.The expected value is a floating point number within the range [0.0 ; 180.0]. Setting to 0.0 never connects any line while 180.0 connects every line. Any other value is clamped within the range [0.0 ; 180.0].
Defaut: 40.0.
When true, a line is added for each triangle edge that is not shared by any other adjacent triangle.
Default: true
When true, and
, each face of the mesh may be split into new faces that fit within the added lines.Default: true
Output SC models are written into .scz file.
Default: false
See also: - SCZ section.
Set a default color for PMIs. This option is ignored if
.Example: --sc_default_pmi_color="1.0,1.0,1.0"
Remove existing lines from the model.
Default: false Note: This options is forced to true when --sc_compute_lines=true
Do not include vertex normals in SC output. This can significantly reduce memory usage.
Default: true when the input CAD was an STL file, false otherwise.
Generate the assembly tree.
Default: true See also: --sc_export_attributes
Generate user attributes as part of the assembly tree.
Default: false See also: --sc_export_assemblytree
Set _originalFileName_ as full path.
Default: false
Generate material information as part of the assembly tree.
Default: false See also: --sc_export_assemblytree
Generate matrix information as part of the assembly tree.
Default: true See also: --sc_export_assemblytree
Compute and export measurement data.
This only applies if the source data includes a Brep definition, or if
.Default: true Note
Setting this option to true forces
Merge the name of each attribute with the name of its value.
Default: true
Compute and export model’s physical properties. This is only applied if the source data includes a Brep definition.
Default: true See also: Metadata
Export model’s views.
Default: true
Forces all lines in the model to black color.
Default: true
Enable SC actions logging.
Default: false
Specify a directory containing shattered parts.
If not provided, the parent directory of
is be assumed.
Forces the working directory for the convereter running instance. When not set, defaults to the current working directory.
Space-separated lists of directories where additional external files are searched for.
Example: --converter --search_directories="C:\external C:\otherexternals"
The STEP Application Protocol (AP) to export the model to. Can be any of 0 (StepAP203), 1 (StepAP214), or 2 (StepAP242). Any other input value is automatically replaced with 2.
Default: 2
, set the STL output as ASCII STL.Default: false.
Name of a fallback font used when a CAD file refers to any font that cannot be found.
If set and when
, the given font only applies to text that does not have its PRC-specified font available on the system.If not set, there is no substitution font.
Set the quality of computed tessellation:
- 0: Extra Low
- 1: Low
- 2: Medium
- 3: High
- 4: Extra High
Default: 2 Note
This option is only applicable to formats that contain Brep and has no effect on files containing only tessellation (e.g. STL, FBX, 3MF, PRC or X_T that only contain tessellation, etc).
Provides the path to the XML settings file.
Error Codes
Error Code | Value | Description |
Success | 0 | The conversion was successful. |
Generic Failure | 1 << 0 (1) | The conversion failed with a generic failure. |
Model Load Failure | 1 << 1 (2) | Failure to load model. |
Invalid License | 1 << 2 (4) | Provided license is invalid. |
Initialization Failure | 1 << 3 (8) | Failed to initialize required components, probably Exchange or Vizualize. |
No Input | 1 << 4 (16) | No input file was provided. |
SC Master Output Failure | 1 << 5 (32) | Failed to output SC master model. |
PNG Output Failure | 1 << 6 (64) | Failed to output PNG. |
HSF Output Failure | 1 << 7 (128) | Failed to output HSF. |
PRC Output Failure | 1 << 8 (256) | Failed to output PRC. |
STEP Output Failure | 1 << 9 (512) | Failed to output STEP. |
STL Output Failure | 1 << 10 (1024) | Failed to output STL. |
XT Output Failure | 1 << 11 (2048) | Failed to output XT. |
3MF Output Failure | 1 << 12 (4096) | Failed to output 3MF. |
JT Output Failure | 1 << 13 (8192) | Failed to output JT. |
PDF Output Failure | 1 << 14 (16384) | Failed to output PDF. |
SC Output Failure | 1 << 15 (32768) | Failed to output SC. |
XML Output Failure | 1 << 16 (65536) | Failed to output XML. |
HTML Output Failure | 1 << 17 (131072) | Failed to output HTML. |
Dependencies Output Failure | 1 << 18 (262144) | Failed to output dependencies. |
XML BOM Output Failure | 1 << 19 (524288) | Failed to output XML BOM. |
Config File Output Failure | 1 << 20 (1048576) | Failed to output config file. |
Shattered Output Failure | 1 << 21 (2097152) | Failed to output shattered model. |