Detailed Description
struct A3DPDFTable3DViewsData
Structure to define a DataTable for 3D Views.
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A3DInt32 *m_piViewIndexes
Array of indexes of views as ordered in 3d annot. List of views can be primarily obtained using A3DPDF3DArtworkGetViews. The array must be of size m_iNbViews.
A3DUTF8Char **m_ppcViewLabels
Array of labels of views if they are provided List of views can be primarily obtained using A3DPDF3DArtworkGetViews. The array must be of size m_iNbViews. If m_ppcViewLabels is NULL or an item is NULL, the label is the internal name of the view.
A3DPDFImage **m_ppImages
Array of images of views if they are provided. The array must be of size m_iNbViews. If ppImages is NULL and mode iModeFlags is kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsCustom | kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsComputePosters, all posters are automatically computed. If iModeFlags is kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsCustom, no posters are computed. This is good for no carousel usage.
A3DPDFDataTableData *m_pDataTableData
Additional table view data. It should define a table of columns for each view. m_pDataTableData->m_iNbRows must be equal to m_iNbViews. m_pDataTableData->m_ppDataTableRows must be set to additional columns.