Field to indicate the options for creating table for 3D views.
Macro Definitions
Detailed Description
- group a3d_pdf_TableFor3DViewsBit
These fields are used with function A3DPDFDataTable3DViewsCreate to define its behavior.
Use kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsAll to automatically define a simple table for 3D views used only for 3D annotation widget.
Use kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsAll | kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsComputePosters to automatically define a table for 3D views used also for view carousel (automatic here means that all views are stored and that all posters are automatically computed for view carousel usage).
Use kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsCustom to specify which views should be stored, and which posters images will be used.
Use kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsCustom | kA3DPDFTableFor3DViewsComputePosters to specify which views should be stored and automatically compute posters for these.
- Version
Macro Definition
The detail of views are passed as an argument to the function.
All views are stored in the table.
The posters for views are automatically generated during table creation.