Type Aliases
void | A3DPrcIdMap |
A3DUTF8Char const * |
A3DPrcId |
Detailed Description
- Author
- Tech Soft 3D
- Version
- 25.2
- Date
- February 2025
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2010 - 2025 by Tech Soft 3D, Inc. All rights reserved.
Type Alias Documentation
typedef void
An entity that establish the relation between PrcIds and A3DEntity instances. Obtained using A3DPrcIdMapCreate
typedef A3DUTF8Char const *
Abstraction of a PrcId from a C-String
Function Documentation
(A3DAsmModelFile *pA3DAsmModelFile, A3DPrcIdMap **ppPrcIdToEntityMapOut) Function to create a map linking PrcIds and A3DEntities.
This function uses an A3DAsmModelFile entity to create a map linking PrcIds and instances of A3DEntity.
In case of success,
contains heap allocated memory your are responsible for. To free the memory onppPrcIdToEntityMapOut
, callA3DPrcIdMapCreate
set to 0.- Memory Management
- Version
- 13.0
Parameters: - pA3DAsmModelFile – [in] the modelFile used to create map.
- ppPrcIdToEntityMapOut – [out] the map of prc ids to A3DEntity pointer.
Return values: A3D_SUCCESS –
Returns: A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
(A3DPrcIdMap const *pEntityMap, A3DPrcId pcSearchedId, A3DEntity **ppSearchedEntityOut, A3DEntity **ppSearchedEntityFatherOut) Function to get an A3DEntity from its corresponding PrcId.
Due to internal processing, notice that only PrcId returned by the A3DPrcIdMapFindEntity() function should be used
- Version
- 13.0
Parameters: - pEntityMap – [in] Pointer on the entity map generated by the function A3DPrcIdMapCreate
- pcSearchedId – [in] the Exchange Id of the entity to find
- ppSearchedEntityOut – [out] a pointer containing a pointer on the A3DEntity searched or null if not found
- ppSearchedEntityFatherOut – [out] a pointer containing a pointer on the Product Occurrence Father of the searched entity or null if not found
Return values: A3D_SUCCESS –
Returns: A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
(A3DPrcIdMap const *pEntityMap, A3DEntity const *searchedEntity, A3DEntity const *searchedEntityFather, A3DPrcId *a_prcIdOut) Function to get the PrcId of a node from an A3DEntity and its father.
Because of internal processing, please notice that returned PrcId might slightly differ from Communicator ones
- Version
- 13.0
Parameters: - pEntityMap – [in] Pointer on the entity map generated by the function A3DPrcIdMapCreate
- searchedEntity – [in] Pointer to the A3DEntity.
- searchedEntityFather – [in] Pointer to the parent A3DEntity of searchedEntity.
- a_prcIdOut – [out] PrcId found for the A3DEntity given. This pointer is only available while the A3DPrcIdMap is alive.
Return values: A3D_SUCCESS –
Returns: A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code