Texture Alpha Mode Parameter
Detailed Description
- group a3d_texturealphamode
Type Documentation
enum A3DETextureAlphaMode
Defines how to interpret the alpha value of a texture. The alpha mode and cut-off values are specified as A3DGraphMaterialData additional attributes. The alpha cut-off applies only to the A3DETextureAlphaModeMask mode.
- Version
enumerator A3DETextureAlphaModeNone
Default value.
enumerator A3DETextureAlphaModeOpaque
The alpha value is ignored and the rendered output is fully opaque.
enumerator A3DETextureAlphaModeMask
The rendered output is either fully opaque or fully transparent depending on the alpha value and the specified alpha cutoff value.
enumerator A3DETextureAlphaModeBlend
The alpha value is used to composite the source and destination areas.