
Detailed Description

struct A3DPDFButtonData

Structure to define a button field.


Public Members

A3DUTF8Char *m_pcName

Name of the field (it serves as the field identifier, it should be unique in the document).

A3DUTF8Char *m_pcTooltip

Displayed text that the hesitant user may find helpful in filling in the form field. Tooltips appear when the pointer hovers briefly over the form field.

A3DPDFEFormField m_eFormField

Specifies whether the form field can be seen, either on screen or in print.

A3DPDFETextOrientation m_eTextOrientation

Orientation of the text inside the field.

A3DBool m_bIsReadOnly

Defines if the field is editable.

A3DBool m_bIsRequired

Defines if the field is required.

A3DBool m_bIsLocked

If locked, prevents any further changes to any form field properties (in Acrobat ‘Properties’ dialog box).

A3DBool m_bHasBorder

If true, there is a border around the field.

A3DPDFRgbColorData m_sBorderColor

Color of the border of the field (if any).

A3DPDFEThicknessBorder m_eThicknessBorder

Thickness of the border.

A3DPDFELineStyleBorder m_eLineStyleBorder

Line style of the border.

A3DBool m_bHasFillColor

If true, the following field (m_sFillColor) is used.

A3DPDFRgbColorData m_sFillColor

Color which the inside of the field will be filled with (if m_bHasFillColor is true).

A3DPDFRgbColorData m_sTextColor

Color of the text.

A3DUTF8Char *m_pcFontName

                                                Font name of the text.
It should be the name of the font as appearing in Acrobat font list, with style separated with a comma. For example, ‘Calibri Bold Italic’ should be specified as “Calibri,BoldItalic”. Also, specific values exist for Adobe default fonts: eTimesRoman is “TiRo” ; eTimesItalic is “TiIt” ; eTimesBold is “TiBo” ; eTimesBoldItalic is “TiBI” ; eHelvetica is “Helv” ; eHelveticaOblique is “HeOb” ; eHelveticaBold is “HeBo” ; eHelveticaBoldOblique is “HeBO” ; eCourier is “Cour” ; eCourierOblique is “CoOb” ; eCourierBold is “CoBo” ; eCourierBoldOblique is “CoBO”.

A3DInt32 m_iFontSize

Size of the font.

A3DPDFELayoutTextIcon m_eLayoutTextIcon

Position of the label of the button relative to its icon.

A3DPDFELinkHighlightMode m_eHighlightingMode

Highlighting mode (the visual effect that shall be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area).

A3DUTF8Char *m_pcLabel

Label of the button.

A3DPDFImage *m_pImage

The image to store on the button as icon.