
Detailed Description

struct A3DPDF3DAnnotData

A3DPDF3DAnnotData structure: options for the 3D Annot behavior in the PDF.


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A3DPDFEActivateWhen m_eActivateWhen

Option to specify when the 3D Annot should be activated.

A3DPDFEDesactivateWhen m_eDesactivateWhen

Option to specify when the 3D Annot should be deactivated.

A3DBool m_bShowToolbar

Option to show or not show the 3D toolbar when the 3D Annot is activated.

A3DBool m_bOpenModelTree

Option to show or not show the 3D model tree when the 3D Annot is activated.

A3DBool m_bDisableInteractivity

Option to enable or disable the interactivity on the 3D scene. If disabled, only JavaScript actions can control the 3D Annot.

A3DInt32 m_iAppearanceBorderWidth

Border width in points.

A3DBool m_bTransparentBackground

If true, the background of the 3D window is transparent. Warning, a transparent background leads to Adobe bugs in Adobe Reader or Acrobat: the 3D Annot can’t be printed, and the form fields are blinking when a field is triggered.

A3DPDFRgbColorData m_sBackgroundColor

Display setting - background color of the 3D scene. Incompatible with m_bTransparentBackground. See A3DPDF3DArtworkData2::m_bUseRuntimeDisplaySettings to understand how this setting is applied.

A3DPDFELighting m_eLighting

Display setting - lighting of the 3D scene. See A3DPDF3DArtworkData2::m_bUseRuntimeDisplaySettings to understand how this setting is applied.

A3DPDFERenderingStyle m_eRenderingStyle

Display setting - rendering style of the 3D scene. See A3DPDF3DArtworkData2::m_bUseRuntimeDisplaySettings to understand how this setting is applied.

A3DPDF3DArtwork *m_p3DArtwork

Specifies the 3D Artwork object which contains the 3D definition.

A3DPDFImage *m_pPosterImage

Specifies a poster image to be displayed when the 3D Annot is not activated. If null, a poster is automatically created from the default view. To disable this automatic generation of poster, specify a blank image file.

Important: HOOPS Publish uses the graphics driver of the user’s PC. By default, HOOPS Publish attempts to select the graphics driver in this order: DX11->DX9->OpenGL2->OpenGL. To override the default driver selection, set the A3DPOSTERDRV environment variable to one of the following values: DX11, DX9, OGL2, OGL1

A3DUTF8Char *m_pcName

Name of the 3D Annot.