
Detailed Description

struct A3DMiscMaterialOrthotropic3DData

Orthotropic3D physical properties.


Public Members

A3DDouble m_dYoungModulus_X

Longitudinal Young Modulus in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dYoungModulus_Y

Transverse Young Modulus in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dYoungModulus_Z

Normal Young Modulus in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dPoissonRatio_XY

Poisson Ratio in XY plane (unitless). Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dPoissonRatio_XZ

Poisson Ratio in XZ plane (unitless). Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dPoissonRatio_YZ

Poisson Ratio in YZ plane (unitless). Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dShearModulus_XY

Shear Modulus in XY plane in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dShearModulus_XZ

Shear Modulus in XZ plane in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dShearModulus_YZ

Shear Modulus in YZ plane in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dThermalExpansion_X

Longitudinal Thermal Expansion Coefficient in 1/K. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dThermalExpansion_Y

Transverse Thermal Expansion Coefficient in 1/K. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dThermalExpansion_Z

Normal Thermal Expansion Coefficient in 1/K. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dTensileStressLimit_X

Longitudinal Tensile Stress Limit in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dCompressiveStressLimit_X

Longitudinal Compressive Stress Limit in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dTensileStressLimit_Y

Transverse Tensile Stress Limit in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dCompressiveStressLimit_Y

Transverse Compressive Stress Limit in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dShearStressLimit_XY

Longitudinal Shear Stress Limit in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dShearStressLimit_XZ

Transverse Shear Stress Limit in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set

A3DDouble m_dShearStressLimit_YZ

Normal Shear Stress Limit in Pa. Equal to -1.0 if not set