Detailed Description
struct A3DMDDimensionValueFormatData
Structure that describes dimension value format.
See also
for member m_iType:
1 = length(for length/distance/radius/diameter),
2 = Angle.
for member m_iUnit:
1 = mm,
2 = inch,
3 = radians,
4 = degree,
5 = grade.
for member m_dGlobFact: to display a distance in kilometers with units set to mm with Unit=1: GlobFact = 0.000001
for member m_iSepDen:
1 = Before fractional rest,
2 = After fractional rest.
for member m_iTypFrac:
1 = Side by side,
2 = Super-imposed.
for member m_dFact_1: Separator number as described in the separator character table. The term measured value is multiplied by this factor prior to being displayed (the global multiplying factor is also used). All 3 values must have increasing and distinct values. Example: to display a value with a term in centimeters and a term in millimeters, with m_iUnit = mm and m_dGlobFact = 1., set m_dFact_1 = 1 and m_dFact_2 = 10
Public Members
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcName
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcSepar_1
Term unit suffix, 16 char string on term 1.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcSepar_2
Term unit suffix, 16 char string on term 2.
A3DUTF8Char *m_pcSepar_3
Term unit suffix, 16 char string on term 3