
Detailed Description

struct A3DAsmProductOccurrenceDataSLW

A structure specifying the product occurrence data specific to the SolidWorks format.


Public Members

A3DUTF8Char *m_psNodeSlwID

ID coming from SolidWorks, to use to resolve the “PathsInAssemblyTree”

A3DInt32 m_iIndexCfg

Cfg Index

A3DUTF8Char *m_psCfgName

Cfg Name in the file

A3DEProductOccurrenceTypeSLW m_usType

Product Occurrence Type

A3DUns32 m_uiAttachementsSize

The size of m_psAttachements.

A3DAsmAttachmentsInfosSLW *m_psAttachements

Storage to put assembly attachments information on product occurrence in assembly tree.