Bitmasks for A3DTessMarkupData tessellation
Macro Definitions
Detailed Description
- group a3d_tessmarkupflags
- Version
Sample Use
/* to test if a code read in a markup's tessellation denotes a matrix mode */ if ((code & kA3DMarkupIsMatrix) != 0) /* then it's a matrix mode (begin or end) */ /* to retrieve the number of inner-codes of an entity */ number = code & kA3DMarkupIntegerMask;
To encode color type entities and the following masks that apply to your color type:
00000100-00000000-00000000-00000000 kA3DMarkupIsExtraData
00000001-01100000-00000000-00000000 kA3DMarkupColorMask
00000000-00000000-00000000-00000001 Number of additional codes = 1Here is an example of a code corresponding to a color:
00000101-01100000-00000000-00000001 (In decimal form, this value is 90177537.)
And with no associated doubles, the three codes for a color type are:
uiCode[n] = 90177537;
uiCode[n+1] = 0; no doubles
uiCode[n+2] = id_of_color;
For encoding/decoding extra data types, use macros defined in Extra data types for A3DTessMarkupData tessellation.
See also
Macro Definition
Bit to denote whether the current entity is a matrix.
Bit to denote whether the current entity is extra data (neither matrix nor polyline).
Integer mask to retrieve sizes.
Mask to get the integer type of the entity.