BillOfMaterial Module

Detailed Description

group a3d_publish_bom_module

(HOOPS Publish Advanced) Module to calculate a BOM on a modelfile.

This module describes the functions and structures that allow you to calculate a Bill Of Material on a modelfile.

Function Documentation

A3DStatus A3DPDFGetBOMInfo(A3DAsmModelFile *pModelFile, A3DRWParamsPrcWriteHelper *pPrcWriteHelper, A3DBool bHierarchical, A3DInt32 *piNbElements, A3DPDFBomElementInfoData **ppBomElementInfo, A3DPDF3DNodesReferencesData **pp3DNodesReferences)

Function to automatically compute a bill of material (BOM) from a modelfile.

The function returns an array of elements in the BOM. Each element is the set of components in the assembly associated with the part.


  • pModelFile[in] The model file to work with.
  • pPrcWriteHelper[in] Used to get PRC data such as unique identifiers for PRC nodes.
  • bHierarchical[in] True if the BOM is hierarchical, false if it is flattened.
  • piNbElements[out] The number of elements in the BOM. In a bom table, it would be the number of lines.
  • ppBomElementInfo[out] Array of details of the elements in the BOM.
  • pp3DNodesReferences[out] Array of details of the node references for elements in the BOM.
Return values:



A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code

A3DStatus A3DPDFFreeBOMInfo(A3DInt32 iNbElements, A3DPDFBomElementInfoData **ppBomElementInfo, A3DPDF3DNodesReferencesData **pp3DNodesReferences)

Function to free the memory allocated for the information of the BOM.


  • iNbElements[in] The number of elements to free.
  • ppBomElementInfo[inout] Array of details of the elements in the BOM.
  • pp3DNodesReferences[inout] Array of details of the node references for elements in the BOM.
Return values:



A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code