Drop down List Module
Detailed Description
- group a3d_pdffield_dropdownlist
(HOOPS Publish Advanced) Module to access and define Drop down List field
This module describes the functions and structures that allow you to define a Drop down List. A Drop down List is an Acrobat Field.
Function Documentation
A3DStatus A3DPDFDropDownListCreate(A3DPDFDocument *pDoc, const A3DPDFDropDownListData *pDropDownListData, A3DPDFDropDownList **ppDropDownList)
Function to create a DropDownList (combo box)
The DropDownList is primarily created with this function, and it should be positioned on the page with the function A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList. List items can be added using the function A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem, after the call to A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList.
- Version
- Parameters:
pDoc – [inout] The Document object to work with.
pDropDownListData – [in] The DropDownList parameters. The name is mandatory.
ppDropDownList – [out] The DropDownList created.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code
A3DStatus A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList(A3DPDFPage *pPage, A3DPDFDropDownList *pDropDownList, const A3DPDFRectData *pRectData)
Function to insert a DropDownList (combo box) in a page.
- Version
- Parameters:
pPage – [inout] The Page object to work with.
pDropDownList – [in] The DropDownList object to insert on the page.
pRectData – [in] The rectangle to specify the position on the page.
- Return values:
- Returns:
A3D_SUCCESS in case of success or an error code