- class Communicator.SvgConfig()
Allows customization of an exported SVG.
- SvgConfig.linesClipProximityToPlane
- Type
For line clipping, this factor determines how close a line can get to a triangle without getting clipped. Larger values will help small sections that shouldn’t get clipped, but larger values may also allow hidden line sections to poke through. Z values are normalized to -32767 to 32767, so this value is relative to that scale. (default: 5.5)
- SvgConfig.linesClipZNudgeFactor
- Type
For line clipping, this value will be used to adjust line segment endpoints, bringing closer to the camera for positive values. This is helpful for z-fighting causing small sections of lines to be unintentionally clipped. Z values are normalized to -32767 to 32767, so this value is relative to that scale. (default: 5.5)
- SvgConfig.linesCssColor
- Type
CSS compliant color string used to draw lines (default: “#000000”)
- SvgConfig.linesDrawModelLinesEnabled
- Type
Determines if the model lines will be included in the SVG output (default: true)
- SvgConfig.linesStrokeWidth
- Type
Determines the output SVG line width for all lines in the model. This is relative to the SVG viewBox settings of -32767 to +32767 in both X and Y directions. (default: 20.0)
- SvgConfig.logDiagnostics
- Type
Enables diagnostics logging. If running in-browser, this will go to the developer console (default: false)
- SvgConfig.logProgress
- Type
Enables progress logging. If running in-browser, this will go to the developer console (default: false)
- SvgConfig.polygonsForceDrawCssColor
- Type
If set to a non-empty CSS string value, forces all polygons to be drawn as this color Example, to force all polygons to be white, use PolygonsForceDrawColor=“#ffffff” (default: ““)
- SvgConfig.silhouettesEnabled
- Type
Determines if silhouette lines will be drawn for the model (default: true)
- SvgConfig.svgBackgroundCssColor
- Type
If non-empty, an SVG element will be at the root with the given background color. (default: ““)
- SvgConfig.svgXmlPrologEnabled
- Type
If true, the standard XML prolog will be included in the output SVG (default: true)