bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
int |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
int |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
int |
bool |
int |
bool |
bool |
bool |
double |
double |
SC::Store::MemoryDevice * |
bool |
int |
Detailed Description
struct SC_Export_Options
Public Members
bool export_assemblytree = true
If true assembly tree information is exported
bool export_attributes = false
Export user attributes as part of assembly tree
bool export_materials = false
Export materials as part of assembly tree
bool export_matrices = true
Export transform matrices as part of assembly tree
bool export_measurement = true
Export measurement data as part of assembly tree
bool merge_attribute_value_name = true
Merge the name of an attribute with the name of its value.
bool export_physical_properties = true
Compute and export physical properties
int tessellation_quality = 2
Tessellation quality to use for file export. Acceptable values: 0=Extra Low, 1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High, 4=Extra High. Default: Medium
CompressionStrategy sc_compression_strategy = CompressionStrategy::Default
Compression strategy to use for large mesh and image compression
bool sc_compress_models = false
Deprecated - use sc_create_scz
bool sc_compress_scz = true
If true, .scz files will be compressed.
bool set_wire_to_black = true
If true, wire edges will be black
bool use_default_color = false
If true, the default color will used when a Pmi doesn’t have any color
bool export_pmi = true
If true, export PMI
bool export_views = true
If true, export views
ConverterString compute_bounding_boxes = "None"
Allow computing bounding boxes for All Nodes or Leaves Nodes or None. Values: All/Leaves/None. Default: None.
ConverterString prepare_shattered_parts
If this path is set then shattered part level SC models are generated. The parts will be put in the directory specified
ConverterString prepare_shattered_scs_parts
If this path is set then shattered part level SCS files are generated. The parts will be put in the directory specified
ConverterString prepare_shattered_xml
If this path is set then shattered related XML file is generated
ConverterString sc_working_directory
If this path is set then SC will use it for a work space
bool stl_ascii = false
If true then ascii stl files will be exported
int prc_brep_compression = 0
BREP compression level for PRC
bool prc_remove_brep = false
Remove BREP from PRC and PDF Export
bool prc_tessellation_compression = false
Compresses tessellation for PRC and PDF Export
bool generate_LODs = false
Generates low, medium, high LODs per brep body
bool clean_conflicting = true
Clean conflicting output files
int step_format = 2
STEP output format
bool sc_discard_lines = false
If true, original model lines will be removed. Default: False
int sc_discard_normals = -1
If enabled, vertex normals will not be included in SC output. This can greatly reduce memory usage. Acceptable values: -1 (enabled for STL input), 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
bool sc_compute_lines = false
If true then triangle edges matching certain criteria will be added to the model as lines. Default: False
bool sc_compute_lines_add_non_adjacent = true
If true, a line will be added for each triangle edge that is not shared by any other adjacent triangle. Default: True
bool sc_compute_lines_split_faces = true
If true and sc_compute_lines is enabled, each face of the mesh may be split into new faces that fit within the added lines. Default: True”
double sc_compute_lines_min_triangle_angle = 50.0
The minimum angle in degrees between two adjacent triangle normals that will trigger a line to be added for the connecting edge. [0,180]. 0 will add every line, 180 will add no lines. Default: 50.0
double sc_compute_lines_max_polyline_angle = 40.0
The maximum angle in degrees between two adjacent lines that will cause the lines to join into a single polyline. [0,180]. 0 will connect no lines, 180 will connect every adjacent line. Default: 40.0”
SC::Store::MemoryDevice *memory_device = nullptr
An optional MemoryDevice used to sandbox IO.
bool export_exchange_ids = false
If true, exchange IDs will be exported for certain model types
int sc_editable = -1
If true, the model will be editable. Currently, only SCZ output is affected. Acceptable values: -1 (disabled for uncompressed SCZ), 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
bool export_assemblytree = true